The maximum passenger capacity is 300 people! The self-developed smart rail train in China has been launched and put into operation today!

The maximum passenger capacity is 300 people! The self-developed smart rail train in China has been launched and put into operation today!

Source: Science and Technology DailyThe 31st Chengdu Summer Universiade is about to open,Two "Yibin made" smart rail trains independently developed by China began operating in Chengdu on the 25th,Provide security for transportation.Smart Rail is a smart rail express system that precisely controls trains to travel on a predetermined virtual trajectory through commands from a central control unit, with a maximum speed of up to 70 kilometers per hour,It does not require the laying of shaped tracks and can be flexibly driven on urban roads...

MAXHUB and TCL Huaxing have reached a deep strategic cooperation

MAXHUB and TCL Huaxing have reached a deep strategic cooperation

From July 1nineth to July twenty-onest, Beijing InfoCommChina2023 opened at the Beijing National Convention Center. At the exhibition, MAXHUB President Li Jianmin and TCL Huaxing Vice President Wang Xiuyi announced the strategic cooperation between the two parties...

Is there a significant price increase for iPhone 15 ProMax? Starting at 11000 yuan, but with a major upgrade, would you buy it?

Is there a significant price increase for iPhone 15 ProMax? Starting at 11000 yuan, but with a major upgrade, would you buy it?

The release of Apple's iPhone 15 series in September is getting closer and closer, so there have been more recent revelations about it. Not only is detailed configuration information exposed every day, but there may also be some news about the price...

After abandoning iPhone 14 ProMax and choosing Huawei Mate50, the user experience was not displeased

After abandoning iPhone 14 ProMax and choosing Huawei Mate50, the user experience was not displeased

Not long ago, I switched from Apple's iPhone 14 ProMax to Huawei's Mate50. After using it for a while, I realized that this choice made me both love and hate...

PayerMax obtained Indonesian payment license

PayerMax obtained Indonesian payment license

Recently, PayerMax, a global online payment company, announced that it has officially obtained a PJP payment license from the Bank of Indonesia. This means that PayerMax's capabilities in system security, compliance operations, and risk control have been recognized by regulatory agencies...

At present, these 5 mobile phones are the most popular, all with large memory, with a maximum direct reduction of 1000 yuan and a minimum of 1599 yuan

At present, these 5 mobile phones are the most popular, all with large memory, with a maximum direct reduction of 1000 yuan and a minimum of 1599 yuan

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