Ding Lei predicts that artificial intelligence may become a standard feature in the music industry in the future

Ding Lei predicts that artificial intelligence may become a standard feature in the music industry in the future

Cover News Reporter Fu WenchaoOn October 11th, the "2023 China Digital Music Industry Conference" opened in Huli District, Xiamen City, attracting nearly a thousand music industry practitioners, experts, scholars, media professionals, and others from all over the country.It is understood that the theme of this conference is "Undertaking a New Mission, Singing a New Journey", showcasing the development achievements of China's digital music industry, exploring future development directions, and promoting innovation and upgrading of China's digital music industry...

New Research in Japan May Help Develop New Postsun Repair Products

New Research in Japan May Help Develop New Postsun Repair Products

In August 2023, France experienced scorching heat in late summer. A woman uses a small fan to cool down on a street in the southern French city of Nice...

What are we talking about and pushing? Your phone may be eavesdropping!

What are we talking about and pushing? Your phone may be eavesdropping!

Replay suspend 00:07 / 01:54 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos Have you ever encountered situations such as what you want to eat, what apps promote, what you want to buy, and what apps promote? Attention! When the above situation occurs, your phone may have been monitored! Mobile phone privacy has been leaked. Learn these tips when poking videos to protect your information security!Source: NetEase Xiqing...

Human trial of artificial uterus may be launched soon, experts say ethical standards for artificial uterus urgently need to be improved

Human trial of artificial uterus may be launched soon, experts say ethical standards for artificial uterus urgently need to be improved

The concept of an artificial uterus facility designed by science communicator Hashem Al Ghaili sparked heated discussions last December. Image/Visual ChinaThe journal Nature published a special report on September 14th, stating that human trials of artificial uterus may soon begin...

Chinese scholars have obtained the latest research results: 70% of breast cancer patients may benefit from

Chinese scholars have obtained the latest research results: 70% of breast cancer patients may benefit from "classified treatment"

China News Network, Shanghai, October 8 (Reporter Chen Jing) Among breast cancer patients, nearly 70% of newly diagnosed patients and more than half of patients with recurrence and metastasis clinically suffer from cavity type breast cancer.The reporter learned on the 8th that Chinese scholars took five years to tackle key problems, took the lead in drawing the "multi-ethnic panorama map of cavity surface breast cancer", and proposed the precise treatment strategy based on the "Fudan cavity surface quartering"...

Popular science toys may hide health risks, experts remind: choosing the right toy can avoid risks

Popular science toys may hide health risks, experts remind: choosing the right toy can avoid risks

Changsha Evening News All Media Reporter Xu Yuan Intern Zhang LuDuring the National Day holiday, I purchased several sets of science toys to help my children play with their phones less at home. "During the recent holiday, the science toy that combines education and entertainment received a wave of hot sales...

2023 may be one of the top 10 recognized home routers

2023 may be one of the top 10 recognized home routers

@APP wifi5wifi6wifi65GhzMU-MIMOMIMO4*4MIMO2*2MIMO4*4MIMO"Wi-FiFEM30%Mesh202310 TP-LINK AX3000 XDR3010TP-LINK AX3000 XDR3010TP-LINK AX3000 XDR3010 LED LAN WAN USB 3.0 WPS XDRXDR3010TP-LINK AX3000 XDR3010 AX3 Pro AX3 ProAX3 ProAX3 ProLAN AX3 Pro4FEMAX3 ProAX3 Pro256MBIPv6WANAX3 ProWIFI6WiFi6AX3 ProNFCNFCWiFi140AX3 ProWPA3DDoS AX3 Pro2...

Foreign media: Microsoft may launch its first artificial intelligence chip in November

Foreign media: Microsoft may launch its first artificial intelligence chip in November

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn October 7th, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft plans to release its first artificial intelligence chip at its annual developer conference in November this year.It is reported that this chip, codenamed "Athena", is similar to a NVIDIA graphics processor and can be used to train and run data center servers for large language models...

Apple may switch Safari's seamless search engine from Google to DuckDuckGo

Apple may switch Safari's seamless search engine from Google to DuckDuckGo

On October 7th, according to foreign media reports, insiders revealed that Apple has entered into negotiations with the search engine DuckDuckGo, hoping to replace the default search engine for Safari Browser's seamless mode from Google to DuckDuckGo.It is reported that Apple's move is related to Google's antitrust case, which involves allegations of Google abusing its power as a major search provider...

China has reported 5 female cases of monkeypox for the first time, and there may even be domestic transmission in the future

China has reported 5 female cases of monkeypox for the first time, and there may even be domestic transmission in the future

According to the Health Client of People's Daily, according to the announcement of the National Health Commission, monkeypox will be included in the management of Class B infectious diseases starting from September 20, 2023. According to the testing results released by China National Center for Disease Control and Prevention on September 8th, a total of 501 confirmed cases of monkeypox were reported in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) in August,Report 5 female cases for the first time...

First confirmed 5 cases! In the future, there may be intra family transmission

First confirmed 5 cases! In the future, there may be intra family transmission

Be vigilant!Domestic occurrence of female monkeypox infections!5 Cases Reported for the First Time in China for Disease Control and PreventionOn September 15th, the National Health Commission announced that starting from September 20th, 2023, monkeypox will be included in the management of Class B infectious diseases and preventive and control measures will be taken for Class B infectious diseases. On September 8th, China National Center for Disease Control and Prevention also released the monitoring of the monkeypox epidemic in August 2023, stating that from August 1st to 31st, 2023, 501 new confirmed cases of monkeypox were reported in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan)...

How long will the highly sought after humanoid robot enter the home? Industry insiders: It may take another 20 to 30 years

How long will the highly sought after humanoid robot enter the home? Industry insiders: It may take another 20 to 30 years

For over half a century, there have been various literary and film works written in the future that showcase people's imagination and exploration of humanoid robots entering family life.In 1950, Turing proposed in his open paper "Computers and Intelligence" that machines can interact with the environment like humans, perceive their surroundings, plan, make decisions, and act autonomously, and possess the ability to execute these decisions; The classic science fiction film "Blade Runner 2049" released in 2017 depicts the story of love and murder between the clone K and the bionic robot...