On October 10th, thank you to China for generously donating and collaborating on the development of lithography machines! International news

On October 10th, thank you to China for generously donating and collaborating on the development of lithography machines! International news

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What are the

What are the "black technologies" behind the "zero fault" closure of the 19th Asian Games?

Cover News Reporter Wu YujiaOn October 8th, the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou successfully concluded. From on-site event management to field operations, from off-site digital transportation to intelligent smart life, the integration of data and reality presented by the Hangzhou "Intelligent Asian Games" presents a huge application scenario of intelligent technology...

Research Reveals the Structure and Self Inhibition Mechanism of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Transamidase Complex Binding to Ligands

Research Reveals the Structure and Self Inhibition Mechanism of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Transamidase Complex Binding to Ligands

[Source: Shanghai Municipal Government Today Shanghai Industry Information]Recently, NatureCommunications published online the research results of Li exemplary research group of the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Molecular Cell Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Qu Qianhui research group of Fudan UniversityGlycosylphosphatidylinositol TransamidaseIlluminateGPI-APBiogenesis reveals the structural basis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) transamidase (GPI-T) complexes for recognizing a wide range of substrates and the self inhibitory mechanism for preventing accidental shear.GPI modification is a common post translational modification in eukaryotes...

Harmony of All Things in Big Cities and Famous Gardens | Exploring the Phenomenon of Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Harmony of All Things in Big Cities and Famous Gardens | Exploring the Phenomenon of Biological Nitrogen Fixation "Paradox", New Discoveries in this Study

Recently, the research team of the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences explored the relationship between carbon and biological nitrogen fixation from the perspective of "energy consumption" of biological nitrogen fixation. The reporter learned that this study further reveals the relationship between organic carbon and biological nitrogen fixation from an energy perspective, which helps to understand the "paradox" of nitrogen enriched ecosystems fixing exogenous nitrogen...

Walking with the Nobel Prize, Shenji illuminates

Walking with the Nobel Prize, Shenji illuminates "dopamine" medical treatment with colorful light

Winners (Image source: Nobel Prize website)abstractAt around 17:45 Beijing time on October 4th, the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was announced.Three American scientists, MoungiG Bawendi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Louis E Bruce (Columbia University) and Alexei I Ekimov (Quantum Crystal Technology Company)Received an honor in recognition of their contributions to the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots...

Virtual Reality, Smart Home, Automobiles, Robots... Take a Glance at the Highlights of the 2023 Shanghai International Consumer Electronics Technology Exhibition

Virtual Reality, Smart Home, Automobiles, Robots... Take a Glance at the Highlights of the 2023 Shanghai International Consumer Electronics Technology Exhibition

Source: Published in ShanghaiEditor: Xia YangPast HighlightsEating more crabs during the Cold Dew Festival, let's see the way to open crabs in rural areas - Yanhuo FengxianGood news! Fengxian District Community Governance Cases Selected as National Typical CasesSteamed cakes originally need to be paired with this to have a soul. Take a look at the craftsmanship of Grandpa Fengxian9 communities, 16 locations! Is there any community micro update for your family in Nanqiao Town this round?...

Experience the magic of the desert up close! Songjiang Science and Technology Museum Introduces Desert Ecology Theme Exhibition

Experience the magic of the desert up close! Songjiang Science and Technology Museum Introduces Desert Ecology Theme Exhibition

The magical desert landscape is always tempting. Recently, the Songjiang Science and Technology Museum introduced a desert ecology themed exhibition, presenting remote desert landscapes in miniature to the public...

The plane carrying the Syrian President back home accelerated twice and rushed to Damascus overnight without stopping

The plane carrying the Syrian President back home accelerated twice and rushed to Damascus overnight without stopping

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on itFollowButton, convenient for continuing to push such articles for you in the future, and also convenient for you to discuss and share. Your support is the driving force for us to persist in creating~Wen | ZhaomingEditor | ZhaomingOver the past period of time, the Syrian presidential couple has received much attention, and their friendly and easygoing attitude has left a deep impression on the Chinese people...

Huawei's rotating chairman Xu Zhijun: If domestic chips are not used in China, the gap will always exist

Huawei's rotating chairman Xu Zhijun: If domestic chips are not used in China, the gap will always exist

Wen | YuanshanEdit | DuoyuBefore reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on itFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

Only open source for 24 hours! The download volume of GitHub has exceeded one million! Alibaba Internal Full Color Concurrent Programming Manual

Only open source for 24 hours! The download volume of GitHub has exceeded one million! Alibaba Internal Full Color Concurrent Programming Manual

Following the principles of simplifying complex problems, concretizing abstract problems...

Supporting the construction of the country's first

Supporting the construction of the country's first "ten thousand meter deep well" with a load-bearing capacity exceeding the usage requirement by more than 30%, using steel casing

Hunan Daily, October 8th (Reporter Wang Liang, Correspondent Zhou Jinyun) From October 2nd to 5th, Henggang's third-generation special casing was successfully lowered into the first "ten thousand meter deep well" in the country, CNPC Tarim Oilfield's Deep Taco 1 well, setting a record for the deepest casing of the same specification in China.(On site at the well...

Too much! Apple Store Emergency Removal

Too much! Apple Store Emergency Removal

Recently, the term "Apple Store's current yellow software disguised as learning software" appeared on Weibo hot searches, attracting attention.Some netizens reported that they found a yellow pornographic software disguised as a learning app in the Apple App Store, which belongs to the "education" category and is aged 4 and above, ranking 26th on the education ranking...