Why is Gree so much more expensive than Xiaomi when it comes to 1.5 horsepower air conditioning? Three aspects of comparison are clear at a glance

Why is Gree so much more expensive than Xiaomi when it comes to 1.5 horsepower air conditioning? Three aspects of comparison are clear at a glance

In the field of home appliances, the competition between traditional brands and internet brands is becoming increasingly fierce. With online cost advantages, internet brands always rely on their "cost-effectiveness" advantage to reduce dimensions and attack traditional brands, quickly seizing market share...

What is the current carrying capacity of 1, 1.5, 2.5, 4, and 6 square meters of wires? How much power can it carry? Knowledge expansion

What is the current carrying capacity of 1, 1.5, 2.5, 4, and 6 square meters of wires? How much power can it carry? Knowledge expansion

Recently, many beginners in electrical engineering have left messages asking: What is the safe current carrying capacity of wires? How much power can commonly used wires carry for electrical appliances? So today we will focus on the safe current carrying capacity of commonly used wires in household circuits!The commonly used wire specifications for home circuits include: 1, 1.5, 2...

Human extraction of too much groundwater leads to polar drift

Human extraction of too much groundwater leads to polar drift

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, June 19 (Reporter Liu Xia) Scientists from the University of Texas at Austin in the United States simulated how changes in the distribution of water around the earth affect the drift of the poles. The results show that the total amount of groundwater pumped by human beings from 1993 to 2010 was about 210 billion tons, and the change of groundwater distribution caused the earth's poles to drift by 80 cm...

Vitamin D deficiency is not enough, and supplementing too much is not enough

Vitamin D deficiency is not enough, and supplementing too much is not enough

Intern journalist Pei ChenweiWith the increasing awareness of people's health, many people have begun to pay attention to supplementing various nutrients. On the internet, many people say that they "don't spend enough time in the sun" and "their bone density is not high enough", so they need to supplement extra vitamin D; But some people also believe that supplementing too much vitamin D can cause harm to the liver...