Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Technology Frontiers Guangming Daily, July 15, Beijing (reporter Jin Haotian)The Dai Hancheng research group and collaborators of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Peking University have recently found that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's achievement of the 2060 carbon neutrality target. Biomass energy is an important alternative means for China to achieve carbon neutrality, and China needs to combine various measures such as moderately relaxing food trade, increasing crop yield, reducing food waste, and shifting towards a healthy diet to build an efficient food system that is in line with its national conditions...

National Low Carbon Day | The First

National Low Carbon Day | The First "Guardian Action" Carbon Neutrality Science Popularization Activity Summary Meeting Held

At the approaching of the National Low Carbon Day in 2023, the first "Guardian Action" carbon neutral science popularization activity, under the guidance of the Department of Science and Technology and Climate Change of the China Meteorological Administration and the Department of Ecological Protection and Restoration of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, sponsored by the National Climate Center, China Green Carbon Sink Foundation, Huafeng Meteorological Media Group, Tencent, organized by the China Weather Network, Tencent SSV Carbon Neutralization Laboratory, and supported by the Xinhua Public Welfare Channel, A summary meeting was held at the China Meteorological Administration, marking the perfect end of the first event.The "Guardian Action" carbon neutrality science popularization activity is specifically launched to comprehensively implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", implement the "Green and Low Carbon National Action" in the "Carbon Peaking Action Plan before 2030" issued by the State Council, and enhance public awareness of climate change and carbon peaking and carbon neutrality...

TCL releases the

TCL releases the "3050" carbon neutrality target and action plan to promote the construction of a green and sustainable industrial ecosystem

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn July 6th, during the 2023 TCL Global Ecological Partnership Conference (GPC2023), TCL officially released a carbon neutrality white paper and officially announced the Enterprise Carbon Neutrality Action Plan TCLGreen, setting the "3050" commitment goal of "achieving carbon peak no later than 2030 and carbon neutrality no later than 2050". At the same time, TCL announced important achievements in technological innovation, standard formulation, industrial alliances, strategic cooperation, and other fields since the launch of the global ecological cooperation development strategy "Sunrise Plan" two years ago...