The TBM tunnel on the right line of Chongqing Metro Line 6 East Extension Section's heavy and long section has been successfully completed

The TBM tunnel on the right line of Chongqing Metro Line 6 East Extension Section's heavy and long section has been successfully completed

According to Chongqing Communications Development Investment Group, on July 16, as the TBM cutterhead broke through the ground, the right TBM tunnel of the Chongqing East railway station Changsheng Laojie station section of the east extension of Chongqing Metro Line 6 (hereinafter referred to as the heavy and long section) was successfully completed.Source: Hualong...

Jiangmen: Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar successfully captured the

Jiangmen: Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar successfully captured the "eye of typhoon" for the first time

Article/Yangcheng Evening News All media reporter Peng Jining Correspondent Tan Yaoguang Xu JinlinThe reporter learned from the Jiangmen Meteorological Bureau that according to the requirements of the China Meteorological Administration and the provincial meteorological bureau that "fully recognize the important role and significance of the Shangchuan Island national weather test radar, do a good job in meeting the typhoon test, complete the radar monitoring test and upload the data to the network", under the remote guidance of the provincial meteorological bureau data center and the Shanwei radar experts, The monitoring data of Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar was successfully uploaded to the provincial meteorological bureau's business network for use by the provincial forecasters. At 8:00 on the 17th, the radar successfully captured the clear "typhoon eye" of Typhoon "Taili"...

Intelligent manufacturing leads the transformation of

Intelligent manufacturing leads the transformation of "dual carbon"

We have independently developed the core main controller of wind turbines. Not only are the algorithms and underlying hardware independently developed, but the chip and operating system have also been produced nationwide, "Sui Zhenli, General Manager of Daoli Zhiyuanke (Qingdao) Co...

Announce to the world! China's Zhuque 2 methane rocket has successfully launched, leading the United States!

Announce to the world! China's Zhuque 2 methane rocket has successfully launched, leading the United States!

China has made a historic breakthrough in the field of aerospace, with the successful launch of the Zhuque 2 liquid oxygen methane rocket and entering its predetermined orbit. This launch marks the world's first successful launch of a liquid oxygen methane rocket into orbit, showcasing China's independent innovation ability in the field of rocket technology, and demonstrating China's determination in aerospace technology and international competitiveness...

Be vigilant! When transferring funds through WeChat, do not enter a password if this line appears

Be vigilant! When transferring funds through WeChat, do not enter a password if this line appears

With the progress of technology, our lives are becoming increasingly convenient. Mobile phones, the internet, especially WeChat and other tools have brought unprecedented convenience to our lives and work...

Live selling seafood? Jinan also has it! The Road to Transformation for a Seafood Seller

Live selling seafood? Jinan also has it! The Road to Transformation for a Seafood Seller

Reporter Li PeileIn the era of live streaming sales, have you ever purchased seafood on a live streaming platform? Do you know about the seafood e-commerce in Jinan? It is understood that there is a seafood e-commerce enterprise in Jinan that used to sell 5000 to 6000 kilograms of crayfish in a day, with a peak order volume of 1000 to 2000 orders per day. But the reporter learned that the path of live streaming e-commerce is not easy to follow, and not all merchants are suitable for engaging in e-commerce...

Shui Di Chiu's successful listing has been questioned, and the founder responded that Shui Di Chiu has never been a charitable and public welfare organization

Shui Di Chiu's successful listing has been questioned, and the founder responded that Shui Di Chiu has never been a charitable and public welfare organization

If you like this article, please click on theFollowTo enhance your reading experience, thank you for your support and encouragement!Preface:An emoticon pack with the phrase 'never sleep again, water drops ready to see you' has been popular on the internet before. Originally, this meant to warn people to go to bed early, but it is not difficult to find,The core rescue, fundraising and other concepts of Water Drops have deeply rooted in people's hearts,People with serious illnesses have long regarded water drop fundraising as the main way to raise funds...

Being fined 7.1 billion is a good thing? Has Jack Ma finally successfully landed?

Being fined 7.1 billion is a good thing? Has Jack Ma finally successfully landed?

In China's internet industry, Alibaba has always been the most dazzling star, surpassing a large number of industry competitors in terms of enterprise size and user base. Especially in 2020, Alibaba's market value soared to 800 billion US dollars...

The successful maiden flight of

The successful maiden flight of "Jinan Chongqing Lhasa" at Shandong Airport

The "Jinan Chongqing Lhasa" flight from Shandong Airport successfully made its maiden flight. Photography Sun SiyuanReporter Zhang Fan from Volkswagen Network, Correspondent Lv Xiaofan, Chai Yuanyuan, Report from JinanOn July 7th, the Shandong Airport Management Group Jinan Airport CZ2655 "Jinan Chongqing Lhasa" passenger flight successfully made its maiden flight, adding a new channel for promoting economic and trade exchanges between Shandong, Chongqing, and Tibet, and providing more convenient choices for passengers traveling between the three regions...


Targeting "Efficient and Clean" to Promote Energy Transformation

There are two important directions for the future transformation of the energy system. One is efficiency, supporting better development with less energy consumption...

The founder of Shentong passed away at the age of 25 due to a car accident, and his wife remarried as a driver. After cashing out 14.6 billion yuan, he successfully left the scene

The founder of Shentong passed away at the age of 25 due to a car accident, and his wife remarried as a driver. After cashing out 14.6 billion yuan, he successfully left the scene

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on itFollowButton, convenient for continuing to push such articles for you in the future, and also convenient for you to discuss and share. Your support is the driving force for us to persist in creating~Wen | ZhaomingEditor | ZhaomingIn 2019, Chen Xiaoying, one of the founders of Shentong, bravely retreated during the rapid development of the express delivery industry and successfully cashed out 14...

Your phone has received 'this type of message' and must be turned off immediately! Many people have already been transferred through

Your phone has received 'this type of message' and must be turned off immediately! Many people have already been transferred through "gaps"

Wen | Meeting GodEditor | DaewoofollowSecurity issues are a commonplace issue. Many people, in order to avoid various risks, return to nature...