Xinjiang Basalt: From Paving Stone to

Xinjiang Basalt: From Paving Stone to "Chosen" Material, Building China's Fourth Largest High-Performance Fiber Industry

Xinjiang Basalt: From Paving Stone to "Chosen" Material, Building China's Fourth Largest High-Performance Fiber IndustryYou might not know this, but the five-star red flag displayed by the Chang'e-6 lander on the far side of the moon is actually made from basalt fibers spun from Xinjiang. This flag not only symbolizes the advancement of China's aerospace technology, but also reveals the extraordinary potential of Xinjiang basalt...

 Root Servers: Cornerstones of the Internet World, a Rising Force for China

Root Servers: Cornerstones of the Internet World, a Rising Force for China

Root Servers: Cornerstones of the Internet World, a Rising Force for ChinaRoot servers are the cornerstones of the internet world. They act as central nervous systems, converting domain names into IP addresses, ensuring users can access the correct websites...

 Seres New Energy Vehicles Show Strong Growth, AITO Brand Achieves New Milestones

Seres New Energy Vehicles Show Strong Growth, AITO Brand Achieves New Milestones

Seres New Energy Vehicles Show Strong Growth, AITO Brand Achieves New MilestonesSeres Automotive continued its strong growth momentum in July, demonstrating its leading position in the new energy vehicle market. According to the latest production and sales report, Seres achieved monthly sales of 42,176 units in July, a significant year-on-year increase of 508...

The WeChat Mini Games team recently announced that its monthly active users have surpassed 500 million, with a total user base reaching 1 billion. This achievement marks a significant milestone for the WeChat Mini Games platform, reflecting the popularity of mini games among users.

The WeChat Mini Games team recently announced that its monthly active users have surpassed 500 million, with a total user base reaching 1 billion. This achievement marks a significant milestone for the WeChat Mini Games platform, reflecting the popularity of mini games among users.

The WeChat Mini Games team recently announced that its monthly active users have surpassed 500 million, with a total user base reaching 1 billion. This achievement marks a significant milestone for the WeChat Mini Games platform, reflecting the popularity of mini games among users...

 The Sanmenxia Dam: A Milestone in Yellow River Management

The Sanmenxia Dam: A Milestone in Yellow River Management

The Sanmenxia Dam: A Milestone in Yellow River ManagementThe Sanmenxia Dam, the first large-scale water conservancy project on the main stream of the Yellow River, stands in the middle reaches of the river. It is an important milestone in the history of water conservancy construction in New China...

StoneDB Source Code Interpretation Series | Tianmu Engine Tool Class Module Source Code Explanation (1)

StoneDB Source Code Interpretation Series | Tianmu Engine Tool Class Module Source Code Explanation (1)

The StoneDB source code interpretation series of articles has officially started, and we are expected to meet you in the form of Zhou Geng. Please provide more support~The source code interpretation content of this article has been shared live...

Building the cornerstone of digital economy development, the second IPv6 Innovation and Development Conference was held in Jinhua

Building the cornerstone of digital economy development, the second IPv6 Innovation and Development Conference was held in Jinhua

In order to further promote the large-scale deployment and application of IPv6, the second China IPv6 Innovation and Development Conference was recently held in Jinhua, Zhejiang. Industry representatives shared the fruitful achievements and successful experiences accumulated during the deployment of IPv6 during the meeting...

Nokia Bell Changjiang: Computing power network is the new cornerstone of the future digital intelligence era

Nokia Bell Changjiang: Computing power network is the new cornerstone of the future digital intelligence era

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiThe rapid development of communication infrastructure represented by 5G and Information infrastructure represented by cloud computing also provides basic conditions for the integration of network and computing power. By providing a "bridge" for computing power through the network, computing power networks provide social basic services like water and electricity...