The 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference was successfully held in Qingyang, Gansu

The 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference was successfully held in Qingyang, Gansu

On November 3rd, the 2023 Huawei Cloud Northwest Rendering Center Ecological Conference with the theme of "Cloud Gathering Ecology, Digital Projection of the Future" was successfully held in Qingyang City, Gansu Province. As a stop in the Huawei Cloud's "Hundred Cities, Ten Thousand Enterprises Travel to China" special action, this conference revolves around digital transformation, discusses new opportunities for the "East Digital and West Computing" project, and explores innovative paths for the development of Qingyang's digital economy and rendering industry...

The return module of Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully landed

The return module of Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully landed

According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, at 8:11 am on October 31, the return module of the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Three astronauts, Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu, and Gui Haichao, were in good health, and the Shenzhou 16 manned flight mission was a complete success...

The Nanjing University team successfully created asphalt like materials to overcome the problem of unsustainable asphalt sources

The Nanjing University team successfully created asphalt like materials to overcome the problem of unsustainable asphalt sources

Asphalt is widely used in fields such as road repair, waterproof coatings, and waterproof rolls. According to statistics, the global demand for asphalt exceeds 100 million tons per year...

The first development well operation of the

The first development well operation of the "Deep Sea No.1" Phase II project has been successfully completed

On October 16th, the reporter learned from CNOOC that the first development well operation of the "Deep Sea No.1" Phase II project was successfully completed, with a daily production of over 1 million cubic meters of natural gas and over 230 cubic meters of condensate tested, far exceeding design expectations...

2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Texas) Summit Successfully Held

2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Texas) Summit Successfully Held

On October 16th, the 2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Texas) Summit opened in Texas, with the theme of "collaborative innovation and common development". Experts, scholars, and enterprises gathered together to exchange ideas on academic research, technological progress, and industrial development in the field of semiconductor materials in China...

The thickness of the thin film is only 1 micrometer, and the key technology of the neutron detector, boron carbide thin film, has been successfully developed in Dongguan

The thickness of the thin film is only 1 micrometer, and the key technology of the neutron detector, boron carbide thin film, has been successfully developed in Dongguan

Southern Finance and Economics All Media Reporter Cheng Hao reports from DongguanThe picture shows a high-performance large-area boron carbide thin film sample developed by the Chinese spallation neutron source team (provided by the interviewed unit)The China Spallation Neutron Source, located in the Songshan Lake Science City in Dongguan, is known as the "super microscope" for observing the microscopic world, and the neutron detector is like the "eye" of this large scientific device, used to discover the microstructure of the sample.Currently, neutron detectors based on boron conversion have become a hot research topic internationally due to their excellent performance...

Realize localization! High performance and large area boron carbide thin film for neutron detectors successfully developed in China

Realize localization! High performance and large area boron carbide thin film for neutron detectors successfully developed in China

The reporter learned from the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that recently, the Chinese Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) detector team successfully prepared high-performance and large-area boron carbide film samples to meet the needs of neutron detectors by using the self-developed special device for magnetron sputtering large-area boron plating, and realized the localization of key technologies and devices of neutron detectors.With the upcoming launch of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Phase II project, the proposed neutron spectrometer urgently requires new neutron detectors with large area, high efficiency, and position sensitivity...

(Chart) [Technology] Chinese scientists have successfully developed the

(Chart) [Technology] Chinese scientists have successfully developed the "Nine Chapters Three" quantum computing prototype

Xinhua News Agency Chart, Beijing, October 11, 2023(Chart) Chinese Scientists Successfully Developed the "Nine Chapters Three" Quantum Computing PrototypeThe reporter learned from the University of Science and Technology of China that the research team composed of Pan Jianwei, Lu Chaoyang and others of the university cooperated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology and the National Research Center for Parallel Computer Engineering Technology, and recently successfully built the 255 photon quantum computing prototype "Chapter Nine and Three", which again set the world record for quantum information technology, Solving Gaussian Bose sampling mathematical problems is 100 million times faster than the world's fastest supercomputer, taking a crucial step on the development of quantum computers.Xinhua News Agency's Song Bo Cartography...

Huang Weilong, a doctoral student at Wuhan University of Science and Technology, successfully completed the Arctic field glacier expedition

Huang Weilong, a doctoral student at Wuhan University of Science and Technology, successfully completed the Arctic field glacier expedition

Recently, after more than a month, Huang Weilong, a doctoral student at Wuhan University of Technology, successfully completed the Arctic field glacier research mission and returned to the China Polar Research Center in Shanghai.After multiple rounds of selection by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Huang Weilong was successfully selected for the 2023 China Arctic Yellow River Station Scientific Expedition Team...

Shandong Airport Management Group Rizhao Airport has successfully completed transportation support work during the Mid Autumn and National Day holidays

Shandong Airport Management Group Rizhao Airport has successfully completed transportation support work during the Mid Autumn and National Day holidays

With the end of the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, Rizhao Airport has successfully completed the "Double Festival" guarantee task. To ensure the smooth and orderly production safety, operational support, and sincere service during the holiday season, Rizhao Airport actively coordinates the airline's transportation capacity, innovates service measures, creates a strong holiday atmosphere, and fully promotes the recovery of the aviation market...

Is it worth investing 51.6 billion yuan over decades to successfully open the Qinchuan River to the water diversion project from the Han River to the Wei River

Is it worth investing 51.6 billion yuan over decades to successfully open the Qinchuan River to the water diversion project from the Han River to the Wei River

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Dongfang Selection's Xinjiang Live Broadcast has successfully concluded, with over 90 million live viewers and over 1 billion online exposures

Dongfang Selection's Xinjiang Live Broadcast has successfully concluded, with over 90 million live viewers and over 1 billion online exposures

Invited by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and with the strong support of various departments such as the Department of Commerce of the Autonomous Region, the Eastern Selection Xinjiang Special Session officially opened from September 10th to 15th. This live broadcast deeply recommends Xinjiang from various aspects such as sales, culture, and tourism, and has received high attention from netizens across the country...