Can't carry it anymore? The three major chip giants in the United States speak up together, and the People's Daily is right

Can't carry it anymore? The three major chip giants in the United States speak up together, and the People's Daily is right

Recently, American chip giants such as Intel and Micron experienced a significant decline in sales in the first quarter of 2023, and the news of huge losses shocked the global industry. Originally, this is closely related to the escalating "chip wars" between China and the United States in recent years, and the frequent sanctions imposed by the US on Chinese companies such as Huawei...

Leave an empty city for China! Recognized by the United States that Taiwanese companies assist Huawei in establishing factories

Leave an empty city for China! Recognized by the United States that Taiwanese companies assist Huawei in establishing factories

When Huawei emerged in the technological wave, the supporting forces behind it received close attention from foreign countries. The recent news has shaken the entire technology industry, with four Taiwanese companies - Silicon Hongsheng, Hantang Integration, Yaxiang Engineering, and Chongyue Technology - listed as suspicious targets by the United States...

Fact: China is on fire again! Cutting off the world's longest river, the United States and Japan exclaim: This is impossible

Fact: China is on fire again! Cutting off the world's longest river, the United States and Japan exclaim: This is impossible

The Nile River is the longest river in the world, and its flooding has always been a headache for the Sudanese government. Every year during the rainy season, the Nile River floods due to abundant rainfall, causing a large area of land in Sudan to be submerged, seriously affecting the lives and agricultural production of the local people...

October 8th is a big day! Does TSMC no longer exist globally? Just now, there were four news reports from the international community

October 8th is a big day! Does TSMC no longer exist globally? Just now, there were four news reports from the international community

In the process of achieving cross-strait reunification, we need firm beliefs and wisdom. We should use the flame of our hearts to ignite the passion for unity among compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, work together to create great history...

In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, but upon returning, it discovered something was wrong

In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, but upon returning, it discovered something was wrong

Literature | History Charging StationEditor | Cultural and Historical Charging StationFlying to space has always been a dream for humanity, but it was not possible to achieve it due to technological means until the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, when there was a turning point.In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, and what was even more exciting was that the chimpanzee returned to Earth alive, even bouncing around...

FRB20200317A! The first rapid radio burst discovered by a local unit in Guizhou!

FRB20200317A! The first rapid radio burst discovered by a local unit in Guizhou!

Source: Guizhou DailyRecently,The astronomical data processing team led by Professor Xie Xiaoyao from Guizhou Normal University at the Key Laboratory of Information and Computational Sciences in Guizhou Province has discovered a new case of rapid radio burst named FRB20200317A using China's Tianyan FAST.The relevant results were released to international peers on September 23, 2023 through the Astronomer's Telegram...

United States: The Chinese space station does not comply with international regulations, and their operating system does not use English!

United States: The Chinese space station does not comply with international regulations, and their operating system does not use English!

May 30th is a day that marks the history of China's aerospace industry. The Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully docked with Chinese astronauts and the core module of the Tiangong Space Station...

Mobile payment

Mobile payment "+" overseas merchants exploring digital business opportunities

Global Network Technology Reporter Li Wenyao: Hassan from Pakistan has been driving a taxi in Dubai for 18 years. This year, he felt two obvious differences: one is the return of Chinese tourists, and the other is the availability of Alipay...

Mobile payment

Mobile payment "+" overseas merchants exploring digital business opportunities

Global Network Technology Reporter Li Wenyao: Hassan from Pakistan has been driving a taxi in Dubai for 18 years. This year, he felt two obvious differences: one is the return of Chinese tourists, and the other is the availability of Alipay...

Microsoft: We have forced Chinese users to transfer data to the United States and do not want to use Windows if they do not accept it!

Microsoft: We have forced Chinese users to transfer data to the United States and do not want to use Windows if they do not accept it!

Wen/Confidence BaileyEditor/Confidence BaileyInformation security has always been a topic of great concern in modern society, especially in the fields of computers and networks.Recently, a computer user encountered a prompt for data transmission while using it, which raised concerns about reliance on foreign computer systems and information security...

Institution: From January to August, mobile smart screens sold 66000 units online, with sales exceeding 280 million yuan

Institution: From January to August, mobile smart screens sold 66000 units online, with sales exceeding 280 million yuan

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On October 7, Lotu Technology released a research report on the mobile smart screen market from January to August 2023, which showed that the cumulative sales volume of China Mobile's smart screen online monitoring market (excluding Tiktok, Kwai and other content e-commerce) from January to August was 66000 units, the sales volume exceeded 280 million yuan, and the average price was 4242 yuan. E-commerce channels have become the main sales channel for mobile smart screens, accounting for over 60% of total channel sales, and some transactions also occur in operators and commercial channels...

Another historical breakthrough, China's space station conducts a

Another historical breakthrough, China's space station conducts a "burning" experiment, and foreign media laments that the United States lost

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