The richest person in 11 cities in Jiangxi Province has been announced! Let's see who can stand out with a smile!

The richest person in 11 cities in Jiangxi Province has been announced! Let's see who can stand out with a smile!

Jiangxi Province is located in the southeast of China. The whole province is dominated by hills and mountains...

Yin and Yang are strange! Xiaomi is very injured this time, and India's assets have been frozen and will also be tarnished

Yin and Yang are strange! Xiaomi is very injured this time, and India's assets have been frozen and will also be tarnished

A while ago, there was a sensation in the digital industry that Xiaomi India Company was accused of violating local so-called foreign exchange management regulations and being frozen with over 4.8 billion yuan of funds...

The secret of making money at the mixing plant!

The secret of making money at the mixing plant!

Why is concrete losing its capacity?We construction professionals all know that there is no sub project, and concrete pouring is not a loss! This is a heartbreaking fact. Today, while chatting with a chief engineer of a concrete mixing plant, I discovered the secret behind it...

Alibaba Cloud AI Painting Creation Big Model Tongyi Wanxiang Release has opened targeted test invitation

Alibaba Cloud AI Painting Creation Big Model Tongyi Wanxiang Release has opened targeted test invitation

[World Wide Web Technology Report] On July 7, at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Alibaba Cloud announced that the AI painting creation model Tongyi Wanxiang opened a targeted test invitation. The model can help people create pictures and can be used in art design, e-commerce, games, cultural creation and other application scenarios in the future...

Xiaomi caused trouble in India! Being fined 4.8 billion yuan and large-scale layoffs, the Indian government is angry!

Xiaomi caused trouble in India! Being fined 4.8 billion yuan and large-scale layoffs, the Indian government is angry!

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US tap water is generally contaminated with toxic PFAS, and research warns of health risks

US tap water is generally contaminated with toxic PFAS, and research warns of health risks

The new research report issued by the United States Geological Survey shows that at least 45% of tap water in the United States contains toxic perfluorinated and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These substances are not easily degraded in the environment and human body, and are also known as "permanent chemicals"...

Wenyuan Zhixing obtained the first national level autonomous driving license in the Middle East

Wenyuan Zhixing obtained the first national level autonomous driving license in the Middle East

On July 3rd, the United Arab Emirates approved its first autonomous driving road test license and awarded it to L4 autonomous driving technology company Wenyuan Zhixing. It is understood that this is also the first national level autonomous driving road test license in the Middle East and even the world...

Ning Chang, Qin Xiaoning: Adding Inclusive Liquid Cooling Technology to Promote Green Transformation of Data Centers

Ning Chang, Qin Xiaoning: Adding Inclusive Liquid Cooling Technology to Promote Green Transformation of Data Centers

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiAs the "base" of the digital economy, China's data center development has entered a "fast lane" in recent years. According to the Digital China Development Report (2022), as of the end of 2022, the total scale of data center racks in China exceeded 6...

Nvidia didn't expect it! Chinese Academy of Sciences and Longxin officially announced that foreign media: China Chip has accelerated

Nvidia didn't expect it! Chinese Academy of Sciences and Longxin officially announced that foreign media: China Chip has accelerated

Because the United States is worried that the rise of China's Semiconductor industry will affect the interests of the United States, the United States launched a comprehensive crackdown on China's Semiconductor industry. In fact, the United States not only suppressed China in the semiconductor field, but also in AI, Quantum technology and other fields...

Even Huawei and Xiaomi can't stand it anymore! WeChat has finally fixed this old bug

Even Huawei and Xiaomi can't stand it anymore! WeChat has finally fixed this old bug

#Summer life check-in season#As we all know, WeChat has long deviated from its original intention of being small and beautiful.The most commonly used word when it comes to WeChat now is:Bloated!In fact, netizens have not wrongly accused WeChat...

Is 24GB storage really necessary? Xiaomi's victory will solve another pain point

Is 24GB storage really necessary? Xiaomi's victory will solve another pain point

BINGBIAN Lesions (Original Version) - Subi+Fi9+Younglife.mp34:02From Green Head Monster TechnologyRecently, the 24GB storage of the Red Devil 8Spro has become popular throughout the digital community, causing a lively discussion...

Xiaomi dispels rumors on the internet that the configuration and price of Xiaomi's cars are untrue

Xiaomi dispels rumors on the internet that the configuration and price of Xiaomi's cars are untrue

On June 26, Wang Hua, the head of Xiaomi PR, responded on his personal microblog that "the above information is conjectured information reported by Personal media in May 2022, and Xiaoai's classmates captured the information. A few days ago, someone asked questions, and Xiaoai directly retrieved the information...