The innovation team of the Hunan High Level Talent Gathering Project at Xiangtan University has all passed the acceptance inspection

The innovation team of the Hunan High Level Talent Gathering Project at Xiangtan University has all passed the acceptance inspection

The team conducted research on key technologies for autonomous navigation of unmanned ships, focusing on research directions such as autonomous driving, obstacle recognition, Internet of Things, geographic information systems and remote sensing, and fluid dynamics on unmanned ships. They conducted research on electronic compass angle automatic compensation methods based on autonomous calibration, unmanned ship deviation measurement and control technology, intelligent obstacle avoidance, data collection spatiotemporal consistency research, and multi-source signal interference solutions Technical research work on autonomous rescue of unmanned ships...

The primary school in Xiangtan County won the first prize in the provincial youth space robot competition project challenge!

The primary school in Xiangtan County won the first prize in the provincial youth space robot competition project challenge!

It is understood that in addition to six traditional competitions, including the robot inheritance challenge, the robot comprehensive skills competition, the robot intelligent relay competition, the UAV programming competition, the robot engineering challenge, and the Scratch on-site creative programming competition, this competition will also add four new competitions, namely, the space football challenge, the space star competition, the Tianluodiwang space challenge, and the Paper plane holding up the space dream. 333 teams and 850 students from 14 cities (prefectures) in the province participated...