Not as quiet as a wall breaking machine. Jiuyang variable frequency light tone wall breaking machine has become a new favorite in the kitchen

Not as quiet as a wall breaking machine. Jiuyang variable frequency light tone wall breaking machine has become a new favorite in the kitchen

In the early morning of the weekend, stay at home and get ready to get up and drink a cup of soybean milk or fruit and vegetable juice for yourself and your family to start a beautiful day. When you press the start button of the wall breaking machine, it's like starting the diesel engine...

Didi Releases Eleven Big Data: Travel Demand in Yanbian Rises 280%, Western Provinces Became Tourism Hotspot

Didi Releases Eleven Big Data: Travel Demand in Yanbian Rises 280%, Western Provinces Became Tourism Hotspot

This year's National Day holiday coincides with the Mid Autumn Festival. Amidst the multiple expectations of family and friends reunions and long vacations, Super Golden Week has shown strong domestic demand, driving diversified consumption trends, and increasing travel enthusiasm...

Build a development pattern of

Build a development pattern of "dual core and one base"! Shenyang Accelerates the Construction of a Billion Scale Aviation Industry Cluster

The aviation industry is one of the eight key industrial chains for the development of our citySince the beginning of this year, the construction of major projects in the aviation industry in our city has been accelerated, and the local supporting rate of leading enterprises has steadily increased. The trend of specialization, clustering, and large-scale development of the industrial chain has been further highlighted, and we are accelerating towards building a billion level aviation industry cluster...

Central Media Watch Hainan | People's Daily Overseas Edition Follow Danzhou, Hainan:

Central Media Watch Hainan | People's Daily Overseas Edition Follow Danzhou, Hainan: "Moving Home" to Yangpu Port Coral

People's Daily Overseas Edition (September 19, 2023, 08 edition)Moving Home for Yangpu Port CoralPeople's Daily reporter Sun Yahui and Ding MeidongCoral captured underwater. Information imageThese corals originally grew in the surrounding waters of the Yangpu Port expansion project...

A Chinese private carrier rocket has created history! Come to Yantai to show you how to build a rocket

A Chinese private carrier rocket has created history! Come to Yantai to show you how to build a rocket

On September 5th, the Ceres Star 1 sea launched (Yaoyi) carrier rocket successfully launched, successfully sending the 21 24 stars of the Apocalypse constellation into a predetermined orbit at a height of 800 kilometers. China's private rocket successfully launched for the first time at sea and also created four "world firsts"...

Xiao Yang's Talk on the Li Jiaqi Incident: Calling for a Healthy and Honest Live Broadcasting Environment

Xiao Yang's Talk on the Li Jiaqi Incident: Calling for a Healthy and Honest Live Broadcasting Environment

Recently, there has been a storm of Li Jiaqi's live streaming on social media, which has sparked widespread discussions and doubts. The highly anticipated online anchor Xiao Yangge expressed his opinion in an interview, urging the entire industry to work together to ensure the integrity of the live streaming field and help create a sustainable and healthy atmosphere...

Continuously Promoting Water Storage in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and Adjusting the Relocation of Over a Thousand Navigation Aids in the Chongqing Section of the Yangtze River

Continuously Promoting Water Storage in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and Adjusting the Relocation of Over a Thousand Navigation Aids in the Chongqing Section of the Yangtze River

Replay suspend 00:03 / 01:03 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos With the continuous advancement of the 175 meter water storage in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, in recent days, the waterway department of the Chongqing section of the Yangtze River has strengthened its waterway maintenance efforts, promptly relocated more than a thousand navigation aids, and fully ensured the safety of the Yangtze River waterway during the water storage period. It is reported that the Three Gorges Reservoir Area will complete a water storage of 175 meters from the end of October to the beginning of November...

In 2003, Yang Liwei heard a

In 2003, Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space. The answer was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

As the countdown progressed, Yang Liwei calmly and resolutely saluted the camera. At 9:00 am on October 15, 2003, the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft successfully entered space, marking China's first manned space flight...

After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi

After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi

Replay suspend 00:06 / 00:06 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi...

Floods make our country earn billions every year? Why can the Yangtze River flood us and make us rich?

Floods make our country earn billions every year? Why can the Yangtze River flood us and make us rich?

Before you read this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate your immediate discussion and sharing, which has brought you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your recognition!The text/knowledge is so strangeEditor/Knowledge is so strangeYangtze RiverIt is the longest and largest river in China, as well as the world's largest river basinabove all...

The flight to Wuxi is making an emergency alternate in Yangzhou! Random transportation of living human organs

The flight to Wuxi is making an emergency alternate in Yangzhou! Random transportation of living human organs

Yangzhou Taizhou International AirportOn July 21, 2023, many places in Jiangsu were covered by thunderstorms, and the meteorological department predicted that they could not dissipate in a short time. During the thunderstorm weather affected the airports in southern Jiangsu, the aircraft could not take off and land normally...

Randomly transport living organs! Flight 3U8985 made an emergency alternate landing and began an emergency rescue across the Yangtze River

Randomly transport living organs! Flight 3U8985 made an emergency alternate landing and began an emergency rescue across the Yangtze River

Summary: Like everyone who helped outJuly 21stSichuan Airlines flight from Chengdu to WuxiApply for alternate landing at Yangzhou Yangtai AirportAfter landingThe airport also immediately launched an emergency planWhat happened?July 21stMany areas in Jiangsu are covered by thunderstormsThe meteorological department predicts that it will not dissipate in the short termMeanwhile, Sichuan Airlines Flight 3U8985Approaching the destinationFlight 3U8985 was originally planned to fly from Chengdu to WuxiAffected by thunderstorm weather at this timeAirports in the southern Jiangsu regionUnable to take off and land aircraft normallyApply for alternate landing at Yangzhou Yangtai Airport20:13Reply from Yangtai Airport Command CenterAccept alternate landingThe plane will immediately alternate as plannedAt this point...