Yichang almost became the capital of the province, preparing for the Three Gorges Province for over a year. Why was it stillborn?

Yichang almost became the capital of the province, preparing for the Three Gorges Province for over a year. Why was it stillborn?

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Yichang, Hubei: China's first hydrogen fuel cell powered ship makes its maiden voyage

Yichang, Hubei: China's first hydrogen fuel cell powered ship makes its maiden voyage

Replay suspend 00:07 / 01:34 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos China's first hydrogen fuel cell powered demonstration ship, "Three Gorges Hydrogen Boat 1," made its maiden voyage yesterday (October 11th) in Yichang, Hubei, the starting point of the Yangtze River Three Gorges. This also marks a breakthrough in the application of hydrogen fuel cell technology to inland ships in China...