Gene editing enables chickens to gain resistance to avian influenza

Gene editing enables chickens to gain resistance to avian influenza

According to a biotechnology concept validation study published on the 10th in Nature Communications, scientists have successfully developed chickens with partial resistance to avian influenza using gene editing technology.Scientists have edited the ANP32A gene in chicken germ cells to limit the activity of influenza A...

United Nations agencies say the continued outbreak of avian influenza poses a risk to humans

United Nations agencies say the continued outbreak of avian influenza poses a risk to humans

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, July 12 (Reporter Wang Qibing) - Three United Nations agencies jointly released a press release on the 12th, stating that avian influenza has erupted in multiple parts of the world. Although it mainly affects poultry, wild birds, and some mammals, it still poses a continuous risk to humans...