New Biography Reveals Secrets! Musk's acquisition of Twitter was purely due to the

New Biography Reveals Secrets! Musk's acquisition of Twitter was purely due to the "boredom" of entering a stable period in his career

Replay play 00:06 / 00:06 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos New Biography Reveals Secrets! Musk's acquisition of Twitter was purely due to the "boredom" of entering a stable period in his career...

Made of non-toxic and environmentally friendly biomimetic adhesive

Made of non-toxic and environmentally friendly biomimetic adhesive

Science and Technology Daily News (Reporter Zhang Jiaxin) If there were no adhesives, most of modern human civilization, including mobile phones, cars, furniture, walls, and packages delivered to doorsteps, would fall apart. However, the problem with these adhesives is that they are not sustainable...


Biomass "hot melt carbon rich" technology is an emerging technology, how should process design be carried out?

A Brief Introduction to Hard CoreEditor | Brief Introduction to Hard CoreprefaceAs a renewable energy source, biomass has a wide range of resource potential and environmental advantages. Its effective conversion into high value-added products is crucial for achieving sustainable development...

Su Da Discovered the Role of Biomechanical Factors in Erectile Function, Providing a Perspective for the Treatment of Dysfunction

Su Da Discovered the Role of Biomechanical Factors in Erectile Function, Providing a Perspective for the Treatment of Dysfunction

Chang Lei, professor and doctoral supervisor of Suzhou University, is committed to the cross research of Radiobiology and biomechanics. Its research direction focuses on the role of radiation and mechanical microenvironment in tumorigenesis, tissue regeneration and repair, the impact of Micro-g environment and ionizing radiation on embryonic development, and the role of Hippo signaling pathway in tumorigenesis...

Guo Xueping, Chief Scientist of Huaxi Biology: Synthetic Biology is embarking on a new journey of raw material and industrial transformation

Guo Xueping, Chief Scientist of Huaxi Biology: Synthetic Biology is embarking on a new journey of raw material and industrial transformation

On June 3, 2023, the China (Jinan) Hyaluronic Acid Industry Conference, with the theme of "Technology Building and Innovation Leading", was grandly opened in Jinan, Shandong. At the same time, the "Conference on Cell Factories and Functional Sugar Biomanufacturing" and the 4th Bioactive Substances Series Conference were also held with great success...


The "Iron Fertilizer Effect" Strengthens the Biological Carbon Fixation in the North Pacific

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, June 8 (Reporter Lu Chengkuan) On the 8th, the reporter learned from the Qinghai Tibet Plateau Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that, based on the change history of iron in Asian inland dust over 3.6 million years, Chinese researchers found that Asian inland dust promoted the biological prosperity in the North Pacific region and strengthened the biological carbon fixation in the North Pacific through the "iron fertilizer effect"...

Zhao Yan of Huaxi Biology: China's

Zhao Yan of Huaxi Biology: China's "bio manufacturing, biobased economy" has great prospects

Global Network Technology Reporter Wang NanInnovation is the driving force behind all development. If an enterprise wants to survive the cycle and continue to develop, it must adhere to innovation...

The Heart of Molecules Xu Jinbo's speech at Zhongguancun Forum: AI protein design leads to new changes in biobased economy

The Heart of Molecules Xu Jinbo's speech at Zhongguancun Forum: AI protein design leads to new changes in biobased economy

On May 30, it was reported that at the Zhongguancun Forum "Scientific Research Forum Driven by Artificial Intelligence", Xu Jinbo, a well-known computational biologist, founder of Molecular Heart and outstanding visiting professor of the Institute of Intelligent Industry (AIR) of Tsinghua University, said that AI biology has become a new core field of global science and technology integration and innovation. Driven by emerging technologies such as AI protein design technology, the field of biotechnology is undergoing disruptive changes, The AI biological model will accelerate this process...

Analysis and Control of Biomimetic Multi legged Robot

Analysis and Control of Biomimetic Multi legged Robot

writing|Slow period hard core theoryedit|Slow period hard core theoryThe design of artificial robots is mainly rigid.Based on existing rigid body dynamics, they can be precisely controlledAnd demonstrated good performance in speed, intensity, and repetitive tasks...