Zhao Yan of Huaxi Biology: China's "bio manufacturing, biobased economy" has great prospects

Global Network Technology Reporter Wang NanInnovation is the driving force behind all development. If an enterprise wants to survive the cycle and continue to develop, it must adhere to innovation

Global Network Technology Reporter Wang NanInnovation is the driving force behind all development. If an enterprise wants to survive the cycle and continue to develop, it must adhere to innovation. "On June 3rd, Zhao Yan, Chairman and General Manager of Huaxi Biotechnology, stated at the China (Jinan) Transparent Acid Industry Conference with the theme of" Technology Building Innovation Leadership ".

As a pioneer and leader in the global hyaluronic acid industry, Huaxi Biotechnology is the world's largest hyaluronic acid research and development, production, and sales enterprise. In 2021, it accounted for 44% of the global hyaluronic acid raw material market share and has led the industry's development in multiple fields such as research and development technology, industrialization level, and application innovation for many years.

According to Zhao Yan, there have been four industrial revolutions in the global hyaluronic acid industry, three of which occurred in Huaxi Biotechnology. The first industrial revolution was the chicken comb extraction method of hyaluronic acid, which occurred in the United States around the 1970s. At that time, obtaining hyaluronic acid was very difficult and costly, so it could only be applied in orthopedics and ophthalmology, and the price was very high. The second industrial revolution was the first time in China that Huaxi Biotechnology implemented microbial fermentation regulations to produce hyaluronic acid, further expanding its application fields and being able to apply it in skincare and medical beauty. The third industrial revolution was in 2011 when Huaxi Biotechnology accurately controlled the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid through enzyme digestion, expanding its application to fields such as contact lens care solutions, family planning, makeup, and toiletries. The fourth industrial revolution began in 2020, when Huaxi Biotechnology began using synthetic biotechnology and producing hyaluronic acid through cell factories, further reducing costs and making it more low-carbon and environmentally friendly. Its application fields further expanded to new fields such as household paper and textiles.

Regarding the essence of Huaxi Biotechnology leading the industrial revolution multiple times, Zhao Yan stated that what the group is doing is to achieve advanced biological manufacturing starting from genes, take its own advanced technology as the lead, and stand at the pinnacle of innovation.

Zhao Yan emphasized that "biological manufacturing" has now risen to the strategic level of national industrial development, and is also the focus of competition among countries around the world. Huaxi Biotechnology is committed to building a benchmark enterprise in biological manufacturing. On the technological side, driven by synthetic biotechnology, achieving green and low-carbon biological manufacturing; On the manufacturing side, we will create black light factories and intelligent factories according to Industry 4.0 standards.

Zhao Yan believes that the current national trend attaches great importance to biological manufacturing, and hopes to introduce more landing policies to support the development of biobased economy in the future. "China has a unified big market. With the rise of Generation Z consumers, it provides very good market opportunities for the growth, development and expansion of Chinese brands. China has great potential to build a bio manufacturing and biobased economy market driven by synthetic biology."

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