5G or

5G or "smoke bomb"? Huawei Mate60Pro is becoming increasingly mysterious

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Did you only realize that the business class seat was occupied by the crew during the flight? Entrepreneur bombards Air China, Lawyer: Violation of Contract Law

Did you only realize that the business class seat was occupied by the crew during the flight? Entrepreneur bombards Air China, Lawyer: Violation of Contract Law

On July 14, Mr. Liu, an entrepreneur, sent a video saying that when he checked in on July 12, he was informed that the A2533 business class seat of Air China purchased several days ago was occupied by the crew...

Stepper is more difficult to build than atomic bomb? Dutchman: The Chinese can't make Stepper machine for drawings

Stepper is more difficult to build than atomic bomb? Dutchman: The Chinese can't make Stepper machine for drawings

Inadequate historical materialsEditing | Poor Historical MaterialsThe article is approximately 1400 words longReading time is about 3 minutesStepperStepperAsme, NetherlandsAMSL and two companies in Japan.Recently, Peter Winning, the CEO of this Dutch company...

Nut CPO continues to bombard industry leaders on its Moments! Jimi Technology's response: Fighting on social media is not worth it

Nut CPO continues to bombard industry leaders on its Moments! Jimi Technology's response: Fighting on social media is not worth it

Recently, a Bilibili Up host released a testing video on the different light sources of the Jimi RSPro3 and Nut N1U Benji i780. When Wang Xiaoyi, the Chief Product Officer of Nut Company CPO, reposted the evaluation video on his Moments, he thundered, "If the so-called 'industry leader', after earning the most profits in the industry, does not use the real money and silver given by users to drive industry innovation and progress, but instead uses cheap technology that is shoddy and money burning marketing that is black and white to suppress innovators and drive the industry backwards, then the industry is not far from deathWang Xiaoyi's remarks were accused of shelling the top brand in the same industry, Jimi Projection, and were also interpreted by public opinion as "after Great Wall and BYD, the projection industry has been torn apart among friends"...