A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's de sinicization has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China is no longer bowing its head!

A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's de sinicization has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China is no longer bowing its head!

Challenges and Opportunities: Apple's Exploration and Transformation in the Chinese Market In this increasingly changing world, even technology leaders cannot avoid market challenges. Taking Apple as an example, its recent performance in the Chinese market has become a hot topic...

A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's visit to China has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China will no longer bow its head!

A sharp drop of 1.7 trillion yuan! Apple's visit to China has just ended, and the price of 15 has broken. China will no longer bow its head!

Literary/erudite snow pearEditor/erudite snow pearApple has suffered setbacks in the Chinese market. Apple has achieved great success in the Chinese market, but in recent years, the company has faced a series of challenges, leading to a sharp decline in its market share in China...

Never bow to China? I would rather fire 9000 people to sell the company than transfer technology to China

Never bow to China? I would rather fire 9000 people to sell the company than transfer technology to China

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate your discussion and sharing, as well as bring you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!prefaceThe aviation industry, as a knowledge intensive and technology intensive industry, consumes time and money that ordinary people cannot imagine...


COVID-19 "laboratory leakage theory" This bowl of cold rice is rotten

The "laboratory leakage theory" of COVID-19, which some people in the United States and the West have repeatedly speculated about, is a cold rice. According to the report of NBC and other US media on June 24, the US intelligence agencies had to admit in a report declassified last Friday that they had not found Direct evidence to show that COVID-19 originated from Wuhan Virus Research Institute...