Never bow to China? I would rather fire 9000 people to sell the company than transfer technology to China

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The aviation industry, as a knowledge intensive and technology intensive industry, consumes time and money that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Naturally, when the profits earned by aviation manufacturing companies cannot keep up with the high research and development costs, the company's executives will do everything possible to recover the losses.

However, facing the loss of profits, Luo Luo Company refused the Chinese cooperation plan, preferring to lay off 9000 employees and sell off its subsidiary to save the situation, rather than transferring technology.

Why does Luo Luo Company refuse to engage in technical exchanges with China? What is the final outcome of this matter?

01 Plan for miscarriage

Under the impact of the epidemic, the British aerospace giant company Rolls Royce (hereinafter referred to as Rolls Royce) is facing unprecedented financial constraints.

But Luo Luo Company, who thought it could make a profit from this financing, had to accept reality.

Fewer people are traveling by plane, and most airlines have reduced the number of flights and grounded a large number of flights.

This is undoubtedly a disaster for Luo Luo Company, which charges airlines for the number of flight hours through aircraft engines, with commercial civil aviation engines accounting for the largest portion of Luo Luo Company's revenue.

Chinese aviation companies have also discovered the difficulties faced by Luo Luo Company, and even actively extended an olive branch to help Luo Luo Company overcome its difficulties.

In the face of an increasingly large market and innovative China with independent research and development equipment, Luo Luo Company has also begun to reassess the value of the Chinese market.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the cooperation, Luo Luo Company specifically recruited several senior management employees, formed a project team, and began to communicate with Chinese companies on relevant matters.

Chinese companies have also proposed some ideas to Luo Luo Company.

Engines produced by Luo Luo Company

The most important thing is to have the opportunity to visit and learn about Luo Luo's engine manufacturing, and to cooperate with the two companies to build an aviation engine production line in China.

We can never transfer our technology to other countries

For this reason, Luo Luo Company also laid off more than 9000 employees and even sold its subsidiaries.

In fact, in today's globalized world, technological innovation cannot be separated from mutual exchange and learning among countries, so the conditions proposed by China are not inappropriate.

Many European and American countries, led by the United States, have refused to export core technologies, and Rolls Royce is no exception. They expressed willingness to exchange key technologies of some engines, but remained unwilling to share the core technologies among them.

There are two reasons for rejection. In the competition of comprehensive national strength today, core technology holds an important position, and many countries hope to own core technology and monopolize the entire world market.

The second reason is due to the obstruction of the United States. Luo Luo Company has cooperated with the American Group several times, but in the cooperation, Luo Luo Company has always been in a passive position.

The American Group always talks about cooperation and mutual benefit, but as soon as they discover new companies that can help them achieve their goals, the US side will not hesitate to terminate its cooperation with Luo Luo Company.

The American Group will not put itself in a thankless position, so it can always find new excuses to terminate contracts with Luo Luo Company and set obstacles behind them to warn Luo Luo Company not to spread technology.

Luo Luo Company is very dissatisfied with the US group's dishonest and reckless approach, but the US has always been far ahead in technology, and Luo Luo Company dare not openly confront the US.

In order to remedy the losses, the senior management of Luo Luo Company has just started a new round of financing plan, hoping that this financing can help the company overcome difficulties by reducing costs by nearly 1.3 billion pounds.

Why is Luo Luo still unwilling to bow down and cooperate with China even though it has already encountered a serious economic crisis? This comes to China's own innovative technology.

China has always been humble in seeking advice from developed countries in terms of technological innovation, but Western countries have always held a monopoly position and are unwilling to share and exchange, so China can only open the door to independent innovation research.

From the successful landing of the C919 large passenger aircraft to the signing of the purchase agreement for the "Kunlong" large amphibious aircraft, China has successfully created a global aircraft club with its own innovative achievements, embarking on a new journey in China's aviation industry.

02 Luoluo Company

As one of the world's three largest aviation engine manufacturers, Rolls Royce is an international enterprise led by the UK, founded in 1906.

At first, the business of Luo Luo Company did not involve aircraft engines, but some simple Automotive design, production and sales.

Until World War II, in order to win victory, countries began to update their tactics and air combat emerged.

Luo Luo Company also took this opportunity and gradually embarked on the path of researching aviation engines with the support of the government.

At this point, people may still have a very vague impression of Rolls Royce, but it is the main company of luxury cars such as Rolls Royce and Bentley.

However, due to severe debt, Rolls Royce ultimately sold the Rolls Royce production line to BMW Group in Germany.

In short, the competitiveness of the entire Luo Luo company in the commercial engine field can be said to be unparalleled, with its Trent 700 engine being the main powertrain of Airbus A330 aircraft, accounting for up to 90% of the Chinese market.

The other series of engines under its company also have a significant market share worldwide.

In addition to providing engine equipment for commercial civil aviation airliners, Rolls Royce has also provided the Royal Navy with an exclusive nuclear power plant.

At the same time, they need to be proficient in physics, environment, machinery, and other aspects in nuclear energy, and have also made many achievements.

Under the impact of the epidemic, Luo Luo Company, which had suffered heavy losses in revenue, could have collaborated with China's C919 aircraft to expand their market in China and turn the tide for the company.

But Luo Luo Company does not agree to establish an engine production line in China. They adhere to the old European and American style and believe that the core technology should be hidden.

At the same time, Luo Luo Company did not see China's innovation in the aviation industry, and arrogance was the biggest obstacle to development.

In today's globalized world, humanity has become a community, and we all live in the same big family. There is no doubt that the Chinese market still has a lot of space.

Ignoring the vast Chinese market and rejecting a win-win cooperation plan, then only oneself will suffer.

Only when China deeply understands that development can only rely on itself can it vigorously promote its own independent innovation cause, and the achievements achieved have never been overnight.

03 Independent Innovation

To break the technological restrictions imposed by other countries on China, it is necessary to achieve the modernization of China's technology.

That's why the country vigorously promotes "technological innovation", shouts the slogan "innovation is the first productive force", and actively calls on the public to carry out innovation activities.

Innovation activities have become the fuel for today's national economic growth.

If a large number of people do not strengthen their belief and contribute to the motherland, the logo of "make in China" will not be spread all over the world, nor will C919 large passenger aircraft land, and China's first atomic bomb will not explode in Lop Nur, Xinjiang

In order to independently develop China's own aircraft, the country has invested nearly 300000 manpower, and the cost is not to mention.

As a means of transportation in the air, airplanes naturally require extremely high aircraft technology. From the overall framework of the aircraft to the precision of each component, there are specialized departments responsible for research.

If there is a one millimeter error in the parts, it will affect the state of the aircraft during aerial operation, so the team building the aircraft strives to achieve 100% accuracy of each part.

This is also why some people say to people who are afraid of flying, "The probability of accidents on a plane is lower than the probability of accidents on the road

The successful development of the C919 large passenger aircraft has driven the upgrading of China's aviation industry, and the large aircraft industrial park has also established relatively complete facilities.

A large number of aviation supporting industries such as design, manufacturing, and flight testing have settled in this industrial park.

Under the effect of industrial agglomeration, the large industrial park has greatly reduced the cost of supporting the aviation industry, and has also set a brand internationally, attracting aviation supply chain industries from all over the world to gather in Shanghai.

Under the influence of independent innovation, although the epidemic has brought a significant blow to people's livelihoods in China, we still managed to survive and achieve positive GDP growth.

But if it weren't for the group of technology workers who silently worked behind their backs, we wouldn't have completed so many incredible projects beyond expectations.

No matter how difficult the core technology is, we must rely on ourselves to create it

This is what Deng Jinghui, the chief designer of domestic plateau helicopters, once said. In order to overcome the challenges brought by the complex environment of the plateau to helicopters, he overcame his physical pain and went to work every day as usual.

Under his influence, the team is even more hesitant to relax. "If you want to break through the shackles of technology, you need to study and investigate with your feet on the ground

After a series of investigations and practices, China has truly broken through the technology of helicopter rotor anti icing and de icing, catching up with the pace of a few developed countries.

Unfortunately, due to surgical reasons, Deng Jinghui was unable to witness the first appearance of this generation of helicopters with his own eyes.

Before the official launch of the Beidou satellite system, countless staff members were working silently behind the scenes. The new generation of researchers took over the work of the old generation and took a new journey on the basis of the original "three steps".

The Beidou-1 system, completed in 2003, makes China the third country in the world to have an independent Satellite navigation. The increasing number of users exceeds the capacity of the Beidou-1 system, and Beidou-2 came into being.

In 2018, all the Beidou satellite systems were launched, once again breaking the world record and breaking the record for China's science and technology projects.

Today, with the Demographic dividend window disappearing and the population aging, the ability of independent innovation is a magic weapon to enhance the comprehensive strength of the country.

China's aerospace industry, which has always been based on "self-reliance and self-improvement" in the world, has naturally become a thorn in the eyes of European and American countries.

Especially for the United States, the China Restriction Order launched in 2018 has completely suppressed China in areas such as chips, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence.

Japan, which once held the runner up position, also withdrew from the top three rankings under pressure from the United States and suffered several economic crises in a row.

It has been proven that to have core technology, one not only needs to learn from foreign countries, but also needs to have their own domestic technology.

On September 1, 2022, Luo Luo Company, which initially refused to cooperate with China, submitted a new request for cooperation to China.

This time, Luoluo Company has established a new civil aviation engine maintenance company in Beijing in cooperation with Air China Co., Ltd.

It has been proven that in order to achieve benefits through innovation, one must not build cars behind closed doors. Perhaps Luo Luo Company only came up with a new cooperation plan after understanding this principle.

China has always been developing towards a technological powerhouse, step by step, and the sleeping dragon has long awakened.

Chinese enterprises not only have their own technology but also their own corporate culture, which is rooted in China's excellent traditional culture, such as diligence, steadfastness, unity and cooperation.

No matter how much Western countries suppress it, it cannot change that Chinese enterprises and technology are going global and influencing the world.

For decades, we have never stopped developing, just as our predecessors have never stopped pursuing peace.

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