
China's "ion implantation machine" technology has made another breakthrough, and the chip industry is facing significant benefits!

CETC Electronic Equipment Group Co., Ltd...

New breakthroughs in the development of medical micro nano robots

New breakthroughs in the development of medical micro nano robots

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Li Liyun) A reporter recently learned from Harbin Institute of Technology that a water simulating bear insect medical micro nano robot jointly developed by researchers from Harbin Institute of Technology and Harbin Medical University has preliminarily realized controllable movement in the high-speed flow environment of venous blood, and can stay in venous blood flow for more than 36 hours.The relevant research results were recently published online in the latest issue of "Progress in Science"...

Breakthrough in Key Links of Ultra High Definition Video Industry Chain

Breakthrough in Key Links of Ultra High Definition Video Industry Chain

Beijing, June 1st (Reporter Wang Zheng) Recently, it was learned from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology that in recent years, China's ultra-high definition video technology innovation has become increasingly active, the market size has steadily increased, industry applications have continued to expand, and breakthroughs have been made in key links of the industry chain. As of the end of 2022, the scale of China's ultra-high definition video industry has exceeded 3 trillion yuan...