WeChat and Douyin Crack Down on Illegal Plug-ins and AI Virtual Characters to Protect User Security

WeChat and Douyin Crack Down on Illegal Plug-ins and AI Virtual Characters to Protect User Security

WeChat and Douyin Crack Down on Illegal Plug-ins and AI Virtual Characters to Protect User Security On March 26, the WeChat Security Center released a "Notice on Combating the Use of 'Plug-ins' on WeChat", stating that WeChat explicitly prohibits the use of all types of plug-ins. Recently, a number of users have been found to have repeatedly violated the rules by using plug-in software or posting information about the sale of plug-ins on Moments...

Microsoft: BingChat and its enterprise version renamed Copilot

Microsoft: BingChat and its enterprise version renamed Copilot

On November 16th, Microsoft recently announced that BingChat and its enterprise version, BingChatforEnterprise, will be renamed Copilot.Microsoft explained that the renaming is to unify the Copilot experience, serve consumers and commercial customers, and users who log in to Bing using their company account can enjoy commercial data protection during the use of Copilot...

Who deleted your WeChat account? Press this switch to display it directly

Who deleted your WeChat account? Press this switch to display it directly

How can I quickly know who deleted your WeChat account? Hello friends, I am Xiaojun. When we use WeChat, we often find that our friends suddenly delete us, but we are completely unaware of it...

WeChat Payment and Three Major Operators Realize Barcode Payment Interconnection

WeChat Payment and Three Major Operators Realize Barcode Payment Interconnection

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On November 10th, WeChat Pay officially announced that it has completed the interconnection and interoperability with barcode payment platforms under the three major communication operators, including China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom. Users can complete payment by scanning their WeChat payment personal payment code through China Mobile's "Hebao App", China Telecom's "Yi Payment App", and China Unicom's "Wo Wallet App"...

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, has published a paper.On November 4th local time, the DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, released a paper titled "Levels of AGI: Operationalizing Progress on the Pathto AGI", proposing a clearer definition of General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) and developing an AGI classification framework similar to the L1-L5 level of autonomous driving...

ChatGPT's First Year: Ambition, Strategy, and Difficulties | TECHTUESDAY

ChatGPT's First Year: Ambition, Strategy, and Difficulties | TECHTUESDAY

2009 4 Paul Graham 24 Sam AltmanGoogle Loopt YC OpenAI 11 OpenAI ChatGPT 11 6 OpenAI OpenAI ChatGPT AppOpenAI 900 200 ChatGPT 2023 AI AI SalesforceAI AdobeAI Instagram GPU ChatGPT AI OpenAI ChatGPT ChatGPT 9 ChatGPT 0.025% TCS ChatGPT ChatGPT 17 ChatGPT GPT 3...

If a person is very poor, you can tell by their WeChat account. Don't believe it

If a person is very poor, you can tell by their WeChat account. Don't believe it

By observing a person's usage on WeChat, we can gain a preliminary understanding of their economic situation and attitude towards life. WeChat, as one of the largest social media platforms in China, has become an indispensable part of people's daily lives...

WeChat has added an independent send button, making typing more convenient for users

WeChat has added an independent send button, making typing more convenient for users

On the evening of October 31st, the iOS version of WeChat updated version 8.0...

Goodbye, QR code! The People's Bank of China officially announced that Alipay and WeChat came so soon

Goodbye, QR code! The People's Bank of China officially announced that Alipay and WeChat came so soon

The People's Bank of China recently announced that Alipay and WeChat payment will usher in a profound change. This measure aims to gradually phase out QR code payment methods and promote more efficient, convenient, and secure payment methods...

Zhipu AI Launches the Third Generation Base Large Model ChatGLM3

Zhipu AI Launches the Third Generation Base Large Model ChatGLM3

On October 27th, Zhipu AI launched its fully self-developed third-generation base large model ChatGLM3 and related series products at the 2023 China Computer Conference (CNCC). The ChatGLM3 launched this time adopts an innovative multi-stage enhanced pre training method, making the training more comprehensive...

Yingdong Swimming Pool opens WeChat palm swiping service

Yingdong Swimming Pool opens WeChat palm swiping service

On October 25th, the National Olympic Sports Center Yingdong Swimming Pool and WeChat Pay jointly released the WeChat Swipe Palm Smart Venue.It is understood that after users activate WeChat palm swiping service at the Yingdong Swimming Pool, they can experience services such as palm swiping for entry and exit, palm swiping for storage, etc...

Petal payment is here! Does Huawei want to compete with Alipay WeChat?

Petal payment is here! Does Huawei want to compete with Alipay WeChat?

The renaming of Huawei payment institutions has attracted strong market attention. Recently, the central bank website showed that it has agreed to change the company name of Huawei's payment company Shenzhen Xunlian Zhifu Network Co...