Wang Jia'er Concert Nanjing Station starts! Leader Embraces Young People

Wang Jia'er Concert Nanjing Station starts! Leader Embraces Young People

On November 11th, Wang Jiaer MAGICMANWORLDTOUR2023-2024 arrived at Nanjing Station as scheduled. The two hour concert was packed to capacity, and the cheers and screams of fans were endless...

Be careful, browsing pornographic websites can also result in censorship! Here comes the 'big data anti pornography'!

Be careful, browsing pornographic websites can also result in censorship! Here comes the 'big data anti pornography'!

Title: The Era of Big Data: Finding a Balance between Cracking Down on Bad Online Content and Protecting Privacy RightsIn this era of rapid digital progress, every keystroke and screen touch we make may become a part of the data stream. And when these data come together, they form powerful and omniscient big data...

Li Jiaqi's team responded to the

Li Jiaqi's team responded to the "Double 11 revenue of 25 billion yuan": never releasing data, economists: the development trend of live streaming e-commerce has begun to shift from "top anchor" to "store anchor"

On November 13th in the financial industry, according to media reports today, according to Li Jiaqi's team's statistics, based on the sales and selling prices of Li Jiaqi's live streaming room, during the Double Eleven period this year, Li Jiaqi's total revenue is conservatively estimated to exceed 25 billion yuan. According to media reports, the US ONE side responded by stating that it never released the Double Eleven data...

Double Eleven is dead! Is Tmall JD Pinduoduo Quiet and the E-commerce Shopping Festival Fade from the Historical Stage?

Double Eleven is dead! Is Tmall JD Pinduoduo Quiet and the E-commerce Shopping Festival Fade from the Historical Stage?

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on 'Follow', which not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

Uncover this year's Double 11: Why has it become the coldest year in history?

Uncover this year's Double 11: Why has it become the coldest year in history?

This year's Double 11 seems to have lost its previous popularity, and can even be said to be the coldest year in recent years! Here, we can explore and analyze together what exactly made this supposed hot day so desolate.1...

Enhanced vitality of the

Enhanced vitality of the "Double 11" consumer market

Feng Qiyu, Huang Xin, Li Pengda, 2023-11208:19:49During this year's "Double 11" e-commerce shopping festival, with the continuous launch of a large number of discounted promotional products and trendy new products, the transaction volume of e-commerce platforms has rapidly increased. Experts say that since the beginning of this year, with a series of consumer promotion policies continuously exerting significant effects and increasing market vitality, China's consumer market has maintained a stable recovery trend...

2023 Double Eleven Transcript Announced! Consumer electronics sales champion appears: outperforming Lenovo, Xiaomi, Huawei

2023 Double Eleven Transcript Announced! Consumer electronics sales champion appears: outperforming Lenovo, Xiaomi, Huawei

Consumer electronics occupy a special position during the shopping season of the Double Eleven. From smartphones, tablets, smart home devices, and even more innovative technology products, they will all usher in historic low prices at this moment...

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quickly

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quickly

Title: Changes in the Semiconductor Industry and the New Pattern of Global Technology CompetitionOn today's global technology stage, the semiconductor industry is not only the focus of national strategic competitions, but also a key field in commercial competition. Chinese technology companies, represented by Huawei, have emerged in this war without gunpowder, triggering a profound reflection on the balance of technological power and future trends worldwide...

Budget of around 1500 yuan: 4 phones are close to perfection, high-end and low-priced are worth recommending, and can be accessed with closed eyes

Budget of around 1500 yuan: 4 phones are close to perfection, high-end and low-priced are worth recommending, and can be accessed with closed eyes

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2023 Tmall Double 11: Price power, merchant membership, and store live streaming have become three new growth engines

2023 Tmall Double 11: Price power, merchant membership, and store live streaming have become three new growth engines

On November 12th at midnight, the 2023 Tmall Double 11 will end. The user scale and merchant scale have significantly increased, and the scale advantage has further expanded, driving a comprehensive increase in order volume and transaction volume...

Update of domestic mobile phone sales chart: Huawei ranks second, Xiaomi ranks fourth, and the first place is expected

Update of domestic mobile phone sales chart: Huawei ranks second, Xiaomi ranks fourth, and the first place is expected

Qi Ji conducted a comprehensive summary and analysis of the performance of major brands in the latest smartphone sales weekly list. In this digital era, mobile phone sales are not only a manifestation of competition among manufacturers, but also consumers' recognition of technological innovation and product performance...

Who deleted your WeChat account? Press this switch to display it directly

Who deleted your WeChat account? Press this switch to display it directly

How can I quickly know who deleted your WeChat account? Hello friends, I am Xiaojun. When we use WeChat, we often find that our friends suddenly delete us, but we are completely unaware of it...