Huawei Announces Comprehensive Upgrade of Shengteng AI Cluster and Launches Industry's First Wanka AI Cluster

Huawei Announces Comprehensive Upgrade of Shengteng AI Cluster and Launches Industry's First Wanka AI Cluster

From July 6th to 8th, the World Artificial Intelligence Conference was held at the Shanghai World Expo Center and Expo Exhibition Hall. During the meeting, a summit forum for the Ascension Artificial Intelligence Industry was held simultaneously...

Comprehensive comparison between Honor 90 and Huawei Nova11: obvious advantages and disadvantages

Comprehensive comparison between Honor 90 and Huawei Nova11: obvious advantages and disadvantages

The Honor 90 and Huawei Nova11 are two highly anticipated smartphones in the market today, with unique features in terms of functionality, performance, and price. Although the price difference between them is less than 200 yuan, their advantages and disadvantages are very obvious, which has attracted the attention and thinking of consumers...

Comprehensive ban on sales, rapid action by the European Union, Huawei: Can't stand me and can't kill me

Comprehensive ban on sales, rapid action by the European Union, Huawei: Can't stand me and can't kill me

In recent years, countries around the world have been actively promoting the development and deployment of 5G technology,After Huawei began to lead the world in 5G technology in 2019, the US began to show unease. They realize that the constantly rising technological level of Chinese enterprises poses a threat to their technological hegemony...

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that it will comprehensively promote the research and development of 6G technology

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that it will comprehensively promote the research and development of 6G technology

Beijing, June 4 (Reporter Wang Zheng, Liu Wenwen) On the 4th, the 31 China International Information and Communication Exhibition opened in Beijing. The reporter learned from the opening ceremony that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will continue to enhance the advantages of the entire industry chain in fields such as mobile communication and optical communication, forward-looking layout in cutting-edge fields such as the next generation internet, and comprehensively promote the research and development of 6G technology...

The first national standard has been established in the field of comprehensive performance evaluation of informatization

The first national standard has been established in the field of comprehensive performance evaluation of informatization

Science and Technology Daily News (Liu Wei, intern journalist Shen Wei): On May 31, it was learned that the national standard GB/T42584-2023 "Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Specification for Information Technology Projects" has been officially approved and will be implemented on December 1, 2023. This is also the first national standard in the field of comprehensive performance evaluation for information technology...