Why are these three things so convenient that China doesn't use them? They have been eliminated by our country for a long time, but they have become popular in Southeast Asia

Why are these three things so convenient that China doesn't use them? They have been eliminated by our country for a long time, but they have become popular in Southeast Asia

Before reading this article, could you please click on 'Follow'? It not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!Article 1: XiaoyangbaaEditor | Xiao YangbaaThere are many "old objects" in memory, although they have been eliminated in the development of the times, they still benefit a generation and become timeless memories...

Do you still remember 'Xiao Ma Yun'? After being returned to the countryside by capital, the current situation is too bleak!

Do you still remember 'Xiao Ma Yun'? After being returned to the countryside by capital, the current situation is too bleak!

On that warm spring day of 2015, in Yanhui Village, Shima Town, Xiaocun Village, Ji'an, Jiangxi, a small event changed everything here.This small village was rarely known before, until a netizen accidentally passed by and saw a little boy named Fan Xiaoqin...

Previously eliminated by our country, it is now directly popular in Southeast Asia. Local people: Is it so convenient for China not to use it?

Previously eliminated by our country, it is now directly popular in Southeast Asia. Local people: Is it so convenient for China not to use it?

Ladies and gentlemen, please click in the upper right cornerFollowDon't miss out on exciting content, easy to view at any time.Knowledge of Bread ClipsEditing | Bread Clip KnowledgePrefaceChina's current development can be said to be rapid, and various industries in China are showing a trend of vigorous development...

Long ago eliminated by our country, but now it is directly popular abroad. Foreigner: These three good things are not needed in China?

Long ago eliminated by our country, but now it is directly popular abroad. Foreigner: These three good things are not needed in China?

Click on the top right to follow and unlock daily good articlesWen | Xue Zhengzheng aaEditor | Xue Zhengzheng aaThere are many old objects from the last century in China, which brought great convenience to people's lives due to their excellent quality and performance. However, with the development of the times, they have alsoGradually eliminated...

Global Artificial Intelligence Index Country Ranking Announcement: China is second, South Korea is only sixth

Global Artificial Intelligence Index Country Ranking Announcement: China is second, South Korea is only sixth

According to foreign media reports, the South Korean Federation of Industries (FKI) recently released the results of the Global Artificial Intelligence Index, which compares the levels of artificial intelligence industries in various countries. The United States and China occupy a dominant position in the field of artificial intelligence, forming a "two military competition"...

The largest in our country! Fully completed and put into operation

The largest in our country! Fully completed and put into operation

On the one5th, China Petroleum released a message,The largest ultra deep condensate gas field in China, Bozi Dabei Gas Field in Tarim Basin, has been fully completed and put into operation, marking a new stage of large-scale development in the new trillion cubic meter atmospheric area of the Tarim Basin, adding new guarantees for the safe and stable gas supply of the West East Gas Pipeline.Bozi Dabei Gas Field is located at the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, and is a national key project...

Good news for the transformation of township health centers across the country! Do you understand?

Good news for the transformation of township health centers across the country! Do you understand?

In contemporary society, the issue of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers is an important issue that everyone cannot ignore.In the following chapters, we will delve deeper into this topic to provide you with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding...

Launching 32 satellites in 6 years, digging canals for 330 billion yuan? Defrauded the country of 28 billion yuan and has now lost contact

Launching 32 satellites in 6 years, digging canals for 330 billion yuan? Defrauded the country of 28 billion yuan and has now lost contact

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

The first in the country! All electric shared charging robots are on duty in Suzhou

The first in the country! All electric shared charging robots are on duty in Suzhou

Replay suspend 00:06 / 01:27 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos In the underground parking lot of Building 5 of Suzhou Administrative Center, a silver suspended beam guide rail with a length of approximately 58 meters runs through 35 parking spaces in the shared charging service area. One robot and 11 charging piles are on standby on the guide rail...

Number one in the country! In 2022, the revenue of Guangdong's ultra high definition display industry exceeded 600 billion yuan

Number one in the country! In 2022, the revenue of Guangdong's ultra high definition display industry exceeded 600 billion yuan

In 2022, the revenue of Guangdong's ultra high definition display industry exceeded 600 billion yuan, ranking first in the country. On October 11th, the 2023 Lingnan Science Forum series of activities, "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Ultra High Definition Display Industry Technology Summit Forum," organized by the Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology and the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Optoelectronic Technology Association, was held at the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center...

Our country's first! Plan to deploy the South China Sea seabed

Our country's first! Plan to deploy the South China Sea seabed

On October 10th, at the press conference on the achievements of the "Hailing Plan" of the South China Sea Neutrino Telescope at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Li Zhengdao Research Institute officially released the blueprint for the "Hailing Plan". This projectWe will explore the construction of China's first deep-sea neutrino telescope to explore the extreme universe by capturing high-energy (sub TeV to PeV level) celestial neutrinos...

Carrying our country's aid supplies, this plane took off from Pudong and arrived in the hurricane stricken area of Libya through 17 countries

Carrying our country's aid supplies, this plane took off from Pudong and arrived in the hurricane stricken area of Libya through 17 countries

Recently, a full cargo plane from China Eastern Airlines carried out a chartered flight CK5001 for emergency humanitarian supplies to Libya. It took nearly 16 hours, passing through 2 landing countries and flying through 17 countries, transporting over 90 tons of humanitarian aid supplies, including tents, emergency kits, water purification equipment, and monitors, to the eastern city of Benghazi in Libya...