I realized after switching to two refrigerators, I definitely didn't choose four cross door refrigerators. I spent tens of thousands of yuan to learn a lesson

I realized after switching to two refrigerators, I definitely didn't choose four cross door refrigerators. I spent tens of thousands of yuan to learn a lesson

Andy, a writer/home appliance evaluatorRefrigerators are one of the essential household appliances. Faced with the dazzling brands and models in the market, many people are prone to paying IQ taxes when making purchases...

1699 yuan, Xiaomi's new machine is definitely here to cause trouble

1699 yuan, Xiaomi's new machine is definitely here to cause trouble

#Searching for Digital Critics#The mobile industry in September is destined to be lively, and after Apple and Huawei, Xiaomi has just made an official announcement.With a snap, soon, many users may not have covered their RedmiNote12Turbo yet...

The next pandemic will definitely occur, and scientists should be prepared for the next pandemic!

The next pandemic will definitely occur, and scientists should be prepared for the next pandemic!

David Ho, a Chinese scientist at Columbia University, recently established the "Pandemic Research Alliance" with Yuen Kwok-yung, a microbiologist at the University of Hong Kong, to jointly carry out research on emerging infectious diseases. In an interview with Phoenix TV, David Ho stressed that global scientists should work together to prepare for the next pandemic...

4 million fans and internet celebrities have released 'Edge Video' that has been indefinitely banned. Netizens: Great!

4 million fans and internet celebrities have released 'Edge Video' that has been indefinitely banned. Netizens: Great!

Recently, the Tiktok platform "Tiktok Blackboard News" announced that the platform focused on the remediation of vulgar pornographic accounts, and 22 high profile accounts were banned indefinitely. For example, "Chen * * Sister" (4...