NASA and SpaceX have been exposed to be tense due to delayed lunar landing plans!

NASA and SpaceX have been exposed to be tense due to delayed lunar landing plans!

Tense Relations between NASA and SpaceX: Concerns over Delayed Lunar MissionsThe cooperative relationship between NASA and Elon Musk's SpaceX is becoming increasingly tense, mainly due to the delay in the construction of key equipment that will be used for NASA's next lunar mission.The cooperative relationship between the two parties not only involves contract execution issues, but also budget differences and whether SpaceX is using NASA funds in compliance...

Taiwanese media: Not only is there a shortage of people, but American experts analyze multiple reasons for TSMC's delayed factory construction in the United States

Taiwanese media: Not only is there a shortage of people, but American experts analyze multiple reasons for TSMC's delayed factory construction in the United States

Source: Global NetworkTSMC's Arizona plant in the United States recently announced that the production time for the 4-nanometer process will be postponed from the end of 2024 to 2025. According to a report by Taiwan's China Times News Network on the 13th, citing the website of the US financial magazine Barron Weekly, JPMorgan Chase's research director in the Asia Pacific technology field, Harry Haran, analyzed that the delay in the construction of TSMC's US factory is not only due to personnel shortages, but also due to difficulties in machine installation, difficulty in finding skilled labor, uncertainty or risk of delay in funding for the "Chip Act", as well as weak overall demand for cutting-edge processes...

Travel Weekly Report | Shanghai Summer Daily Flight Volume Exceeds 2019, One Person Arrested for Delayed Flight from Kunming to Beijing

Travel Weekly Report | Shanghai Summer Daily Flight Volume Exceeds 2019, One Person Arrested for Delayed Flight from Kunming to Beijing

No.1 Shanghai's summer average daily flight volume reached 110% in 2019According to data from the Air Traffic Control Center of the East China Air Traffic Control Bureau, since July 1, the daily average number of guaranteed flights in the Shanghai region has reached 6987, which is 110% of the same period in 2019...

The flight was delayed for 6 hours, and the staff found a subsidy. Passenger: The anger instantly dissipated!

The flight was delayed for 6 hours, and the staff found a subsidy. Passenger: The anger instantly dissipated!

Source: Benliu NewsWe apologize to inform you thatDue to weather conditionsYour flight has been delayedFrequent flyersDo you feel helpless about the above broadcasts?On July 21st,#Subsidy for staff discovery of 6-hour flight delay#The topic surged into hot search. The video shows that on July 19th, in Nanjing, Jiangsu,The first flight was delayed for 6 and a half hours due to weather conditions...

The plane was delayed for 6 hours and cash was sent out. Passenger: Calm down! Previously, a flight was delayed and rumored to have

The plane was delayed for 6 hours and cash was sent out. Passenger: Calm down! Previously, a flight was delayed and rumored to have "forgotten to refuel and turn back"

According to reports: July 19th, Nanjing. The plane was delayed for 6 and a half hours due to weather conditions, and the staff discovered a subsidy during boarding...