LangChain Big Model Application Development Guide - AI New Capabilities Derived from Big Models

LangChain Big Model Application Development Guide - AI New Capabilities Derived from Big Models

Last class,I introduced the three core concepts of Chain,Agent,and Callback in LangChain,using traditional application programming design patterns and thinking as the entry point and comparison object. I also organized the capabilities and tools that LangChain has built-in for many developers...

Huawei MateX5 Hands-on Experience: Leading the Sustainable Development of Folding Screen Mobile Phones from Configuration to Performance

Huawei MateX5 Hands-on Experience: Leading the Sustainable Development of Folding Screen Mobile Phones from Configuration to Performance

(Editor in charge: Wang Qingyu)Copyright Statement: 1. All works indicated on this website as "Source: China Network Technology" are legally copyrighted or have the right to use by this website...

Anchoring the

Anchoring the "dual carbon" target and trillion yuan track, Shanghai Electric's coordinated development of diversified storage and regulation technologies

Recently, the launch ceremony of the world's first 300MW compressed air energy storage series large capacity motor developed and produced by Shanghai Electric was quietly held. The main technical indicators of the product have reached the international advanced level of similar products, which is of great significance for promoting the development of the national compressed air energy storage industry...

Reporter: Du Wei, Editor: Dong XingshengNebula particles, meteorite fragments, and three body galaxies....

Pushing 3000 meters into the deep sea, China's self-developed marine seismic exploration equipment has achieved ultra deep water operations for the first time

Pushing 3000 meters into the deep sea, China's self-developed marine seismic exploration equipment has achieved ultra deep water operations for the first time

People's Daily Online, Beijing, October 6 (Reporter Du Yanfei) A few days ago, in the 3000m ultra deepwater block in the the Pearl River Mouth Basin, the "Offshore Oil 720" deepwater geophysical exploration ship carried China's self-developed marine streamer seismic exploration acquisition equipment "Haijing" system, completed seismic exploration in ultra deepwater waters for the first time, and released China's first ultra deepwater 3D geological exploration map, marking new progress in the development of key core technical equipment for deepwater oil and gas exploration in China.The "Offshore Oil 720" geophysical exploration vessel is equipped with the "Sea Economy" system for ultra deep water exploration operations...

Build a development pattern of

Build a development pattern of "dual core and one base"! Shenyang Accelerates the Construction of a Billion Scale Aviation Industry Cluster

The aviation industry is one of the eight key industrial chains for the development of our citySince the beginning of this year, the construction of major projects in the aviation industry in our city has been accelerated, and the local supporting rate of leading enterprises has steadily increased. The trend of specialization, clustering, and large-scale development of the industrial chain has been further highlighted, and we are accelerating towards building a billion level aviation industry cluster...

Tested ChatGPT strongest plugin: 0 experience, 5 minutes to develop game

Tested ChatGPT strongest plugin: 0 experience, 5 minutes to develop game

Cressi originates from the Temple of AofeiQuantum bit | official account QbitAIWith ChatGPT's latest code interpreter, you can create a game in 5 minutes!This is not nonsense, a blogger has already released a demo:This is a game that uses space as the background and allows spacecraft to strike asteroids.The effect was still very impressive, some netizens praised the GPT-4+code interpreter=ChatGPT-4...

CNOOC Development has obtained two national invention patents for the deepwater underwater oil tree feeding device

CNOOC Development has obtained two national invention patents for the deepwater underwater oil tree feeding device

Jin Bin Hai News(Reporter Zhang Boyan, Correspondent Zhang Yaju, Shaodong, Jiang Chang) Recently, the deep-water subsea oil production tree feeding device - the deep-water located pipe string, independently designed by the new area enterprise CNOOC Development Engineering Technology Company, has obtained two national invention patents.These two patents are "an underwater tubing hanger assisted detachment mechanism and operation method" and "a sealed shear ball valve for deep water"...

Ningde Era: Cooperative Development of Civil Electric Manned Aircraft Project

Ningde Era: Cooperative Development of Civil Electric Manned Aircraft Project

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn September 19th, Ningde Times announced on an interactive platform that it is currently collaborating on the development of a civilian electric manned aircraft project, implementing aviation level standards and testing to meet aviation level safety and quality requirements. Ningde Times will also launch a vehicle level application version of condensed state batteries, which can have mass production capacity within this year...

Why are mobile payments less popular in more developed countries? How dangerous is the 'cash free era'?

Why are mobile payments less popular in more developed countries? How dangerous is the 'cash free era'?

Before reading this article, please click onFollowIt is convenient to discuss and share with you, and you can also watch the next exciting article in a timely manner. Thank you very much for your attentionPicture and Text | Xiuzhu ShushengEditor | Xiuzhu ShushengprefaceMobile payment has become the mainstream choice for daily consumption in today's society, and its simple and fast advantages are welcomed by the general public...

2023 World Computing Conference | Academician Jin Shuanggen: Developing the computing industry, Hunan has many advantages

2023 World Computing Conference | Academician Jin Shuanggen: Developing the computing industry, Hunan has many advantages

Replay suspend 00:05 / 00:32 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos On September 16th, at the 2023 World Computing Conference, Jin Shuanggen, Vice President of Henan University of Technology, academician of the European Academy of Sciences, and foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, stated in an interview that Hunan has many advantages in developing the computing industry.It is reported that this is Jin Shuanggen's third time coming to Changsha, Hunan to participate in the World Computing Conference...

Technology empowers high-quality development of cultural industries

Technology empowers high-quality development of cultural industries

Reporter Yang Xue from our newspaperOn September 15th, the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum held a parallel forum on "Technology Empowerment: Development Opportunities and Risk Response". The theme of this forum is "Technological Innovation Shaping New Energy for Cultural Development"...