Ma Yun invested heavily in planting trees in the desert, promising to plant 100 million trees every year. Seven years later, what happened to the trees?

Ma Yun invested heavily in planting trees in the desert, promising to plant 100 million trees every year. Seven years later, what happened to the trees?

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Jia Nailiang's Double 11 sales exceeded 1.36 billion yuan! Netizens have discovered that over 200 yuan down jackets are sold for 449 yuan, questioning their ability to

Jia Nailiang's Double 11 sales exceeded 1.36 billion yuan! Netizens have discovered that over 200 yuan down jackets are sold for 449 yuan, questioning their ability to "cut leeks" and responding by offering more discounted products to everyone

Yuanwang Technology stated on the interactive platform that the company's contracted star Jia Nailiang achieved a GMV of over 1.36 billion yuan during the Double Eleven period this year...

Li Jiaqi's team responded to the

Li Jiaqi's team responded to the "Double 11 revenue of 25 billion yuan": never releasing data, economists: the development trend of live streaming e-commerce has begun to shift from "top anchor" to "store anchor"

On November 13th in the financial industry, according to media reports today, according to Li Jiaqi's team's statistics, based on the sales and selling prices of Li Jiaqi's live streaming room, during the Double Eleven period this year, Li Jiaqi's total revenue is conservatively estimated to exceed 25 billion yuan. According to media reports, the US ONE side responded by stating that it never released the Double Eleven data...

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quickly

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quickly

Title: Changes in the Semiconductor Industry and the New Pattern of Global Technology CompetitionOn today's global technology stage, the semiconductor industry is not only the focus of national strategic competitions, but also a key field in commercial competition. Chinese technology companies, represented by Huawei, have emerged in this war without gunpowder, triggering a profound reflection on the balance of technological power and future trends worldwide...

The official has only now come up with a solution to the problem of difficulty and high cost of watching TV for everyone! Is it too late?

The official has only now come up with a solution to the problem of difficulty and high cost of watching TV for everyone! Is it too late?

Television used to be the most loyal companion of the common people at night, and it was also the main source of information and entertainment. However, with the passage of time, television is gradually being replaced by emerging online video platforms...

Reverse! Zhu's

Reverse! Zhu's "monthly consumption" bill has sparked a heated discussion among netizens! His consumption is getting darker and darker?

Recently, there has been an extremely lively discussion on the "scholarship event" online, and with the announcement from the school, the emotions of netizens have also become increasingly excited.After seeing the processing results, people couldn't help but feel more sympathy for Zhu...

Jack Ma once predicted that the three major cancers will afflict every family in the next decade, has it become a reality now?

Jack Ma once predicted that the three major cancers will afflict every family in the next decade, has it become a reality now?

As is well known, Jack Ma is a highly ambitious and idealistic entrepreneur who has made outstanding contributions to the development of China's technology industry over the years. For example, he once offended banks in order to change China's mobile payment industry, and even had to "wrestle" with giants in monopolistic industries such as China Mobile, telecommunications, and China Unicom...

The Jews never expected to maintain their image for nearly a hundred years, which was destroyed by Tiktok and TikTok

The Jews never expected to maintain their image for nearly a hundred years, which was destroyed by Tiktok and TikTok

Like a role model descending from the sky, it is truly a good example in the world. This creator, positive energy! Welcome everyone to follow, like, comment, forward, and bookmark, thank you!Image Shaping in the Short Video Era: From a Jewish perspective, the double-edged sword effect of social media has become an important component of modern life in the digital age...

Shenzhou 16 failed to return? Netizens have noticed that it has rolled several times and dust is rising everywhere. What is the reason?

Shenzhou 16 failed to return? Netizens have noticed that it has rolled several times and dust is rising everywhere. What is the reason?

The return process of Shenzhou 16 has attracted a lot of attention and discussion, especially during the landing, there were some unusual situations, including dust rising and the return module rolling several times. But in fact, these situations do not mean that the mission has failed and the astronauts have safely returned...

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected it. Sanctions come so quickly

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected it. Sanctions come so quickly

For a better reading and interactive experience, and for you to see more content in a timely manner, click 'Follow'.Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quicklyFour years ago, Huawei's rise in the field of technology caught the attention of American technology giants, and its innovative capabilities posed a huge threat to American technology hegemony...

Surprisingly, the Shenzhou 16 mission brought back an alien seed, which was beyond everyone's expectations?

Surprisingly, the Shenzhou 16 mission brought back an alien seed, which was beyond everyone's expectations?

The spirit of human exploration has always been driving the progress of science and technology. As a country that has emerged in the field of space, China has continuously achieved a series of dazzling achievements in recent years, among which the success of the Shenzhou 16 manned mission can be regarded as an important milestone...

Sudden reversal of situation? Biden announces permanent exemption, foreign media: China may not need it anymore!

Sudden reversal of situation? Biden announces permanent exemption, foreign media: China may not need it anymore!

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