I can still hear big words! Alibaba has completed the

I can still hear big words! Alibaba has completed the "aging friendly" transformation of over 9000 drugs

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: Big words can still be heard! On October 23rd, the Double Ninth Festival, Alibaba Health teamed up with Alibaba Public Welfare to leverage digital technology advantages and add new features to the drug boxes of over 9000 Chinese medicine approved drugs. As long as you open the traceability code or "Rest assured on the code" on the scan kit of Taobao or Alipay and click "Drug description", you can not only find the "large" drug description, such as usage and dosage, indications, adverse reactions, contraindications and other information at a glance; You can also experience the voice broadcasting function, allowing drug instructions to be both visible and audible, effectively solving the medication safety issues caused by elderly people's inability to read and understand instructions...

Amway has three super user-friendly and free apps for listening to music, drama, and novels

Amway has three super user-friendly and free apps for listening to music, drama, and novels

Three APP iconsThese three apps don't take up memory, they are all tens of megabytes. The only regret is that Apple phones can't install them, and Android and Harmony can both be used, which is too popular to use...

Made of non-toxic and environmentally friendly biomimetic adhesive

Made of non-toxic and environmentally friendly biomimetic adhesive

Science and Technology Daily News (Reporter Zhang Jiaxin) If there were no adhesives, most of modern human civilization, including mobile phones, cars, furniture, walls, and packages delivered to doorsteps, would fall apart. However, the problem with these adhesives is that they are not sustainable...

No matter how friendly a person is usually, as long as they post these three things on their social media, hurry up and leave without hesitation

No matter how friendly a person is usually, as long as they post these three things on their social media, hurry up and leave without hesitation

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