Bill Gates, Musk, Bezos: The Cruel Truth Behind Success

Bill Gates, Musk, Bezos: The Cruel Truth Behind Success

Bill Gates was born into a prominent family.His father isOne of the best lawyers in the country; His grandfather isThe President of a Bank...

The Gates Foundation announced its support for the launch of phase III clinical trial of tuberculosis candidate vaccine

The Gates Foundation announced its support for the launch of phase III clinical trial of tuberculosis candidate vaccine

On June 28, the Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda French Gates Foundation announced that they would provide funds to support the phase III clinical trial of tuberculosis candidate vaccine M72/AS01E (M72). If proved effective, M72 is expected to become the first new vaccine to prevent tuberculosis since the BCG vaccine vaccine was introduced in 1921...


Ali's "Royal Guards" Jiang Fang, who has been in office for 23 years and sent 7 senior executives to prison, even Jack Ma can investigate!

followWithin the Alibaba Group, there was a woman who once made an astonishing move.After 23 years of employment, he shook the entire personnel department of Alibaba on his own, personally sending 7 senior management personnel to prison, with authority so high that even Jack Ma can investigate at will...