What is the level of high-level driving assistance worth over 100000 yuan? Galaxy L7 Asian Games Phantom Edition High Speed NOA Experience

What is the level of high-level driving assistance worth over 100000 yuan? Galaxy L7 Asian Games Phantom Edition High Speed NOA Experience

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Another high-level project has landed! Chengdu Satellite Internet Industry Takeoff

Another high-level project has landed! Chengdu Satellite Internet Industry Takeoff

Recently, the Chengdu High tech Zone signed a contract with Zhongxing Yuanwei (Chengdu) Technology Co., Ltd...

Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Focusing on supporting high-level technology self-reliance and self-improvement, improving the direct financing mechanism

Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Focusing on supporting high-level technology self-reliance and self-improvement, improving the direct financing mechanism

On June 28th, the second International Forum on Small and Medium sized Enterprise Investment and Financing, hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the People's Government of Guangdong Province, and hosted by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, was held in Guangzhou. Next, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange will focus on supporting high-level technology self-reliance and self-improvement, and improve the direct financing mechanism...

Boosting high-level innovation with high-quality science popularization (Innovation Talk)

Boosting high-level innovation with high-quality science popularization (Innovation Talk)

In the era of knowledge economy, the innovation level of a country is increasingly dependent on the general improvement of the scientific literacy of the entire population. The level of science popularization in a country is increasingly affecting its creativity and soft powerDuring the 2023 National Science and Technology Week, various regions held a series of colorful activities around the theme of "loving science and advocating science", including science train tours, science popularization explanation competitions, and science experiment exhibitions...