Is there still hope for xenotransplantation after the death of the world's first pig heart transplant patient?

Is there still hope for xenotransplantation after the death of the world's first pig heart transplant patient?

Beijing Daily client | reporter Wang DanIn January 2022, David Bennett, a 57 year old patient with advanced heart disease, received a pig heart with gene editing, becoming the first patient to receive pig Heart transplantation in human history. Unfortunately, Bennett passed away two months after surgery at the University of Maryland Medical Center in the United States, and the cause of death was not announced at that time...

WeChat hidden rules

WeChat hidden rules ": several annoying chat methods, I hope you don't have any of them

In the adult world, interpersonal relationships are actually very subtle.Some people chat enthusiastically online, but when they meet offline, they stutter and feel awkward, as if the air is still...

Is it possible for physical stores to go bankrupt and hope that the country can shut down e-commerce to save them?

Is it possible for physical stores to go bankrupt and hope that the country can shut down e-commerce to save them?

In recent years, with the continuous development of the e-commerce industry, more and more people have started to choose to shop online. However, this trend has also impacted some traditional physical stores, causing some ordinary people who open physical stores to lose money...