How to use artificial intelligence for early warning of sepsis based on differential temporal multi organ state fusion

How to use artificial intelligence for early warning of sepsis based on differential temporal multi organ state fusion

introductionWith the rapid development of big data and the increasing attention paid by researchers to the medical industry, how to use artificial intelligence to help hospitalized patients early warning, thusImprove survival rate and reduce hospital burdenBecoming increasingly popular.SepsisSepsis...

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the World by 2030

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the World by 2030

The World Tide of Technological InnovationReporter Liu Xia from our newspaperAccording to the Daily Mail website in the UK, eight artificial intelligence (AI) experts from the United States and the UK have predicted how this technology will change people's lives in the next 10 years. These experts said that by 2030, AI can take care of the elderly, make movies, teach classes, improve the economy, and help solve the energy crisis...

Flourishing Development of Artificial Intelligence Big Models

Flourishing Development of Artificial Intelligence Big Models

Beijing News (reporter Gu Yekai) At the Zhongguancun Forum Artificial Intelligence Big Model Development Sub Forum held on May 28, the Research Report on China Artificial Intelligence Big Model Map, prepared by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Research Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology and relevant research institutions, was released. Zhao Zhiyun, director of the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China and director of the new generation AI development research center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that the AI big model is leading a new wave of global AI technology development, and new research and new products related to the big model are emerging...

Nvidia will occupy 60% of the artificial intelligence product market this year

Nvidia will occupy 60% of the artificial intelligence product market this year

On May 30th, according to foreign media reports, investment bank JPMorgan Chase recently stated in its investment report that Nvidia will occupy up to 60% of the artificial intelligence (AI) product market this year with hardware products such as GPUs and network products.This trend is also reflected in Nvidia's first quarter financial report...