Investors in talks to pour $3 billion into Elon Musk's AI startup xAI in new funding round that could value it at $180 billion

Investors in talks to pour $3 billion into Elon Musk's AI startup xAI in new funding round that could value it at $180 billion

Investors are in talks to help Elon Musk's artificial intelligence (AI) startup xAI raise $3 billion in a new funding round that would value the company at $180 billion, according to a report on April 7 by a foreign media outlet. Key Players Venture capital firms Gigafund and Steve Jurvetson are reportedly among the backers considering participating in the funding round...

Taobao Invests Heavily in Content E-commerce With 100 Billion Yuan

Taobao Invests Heavily in Content E-commerce With 100 Billion Yuan

Taobao has announced a significant investment in content e-commerce, with plans to allocate an additional 100 billion yuan in cash and 1 trillion yuan in traffic. The platform aims to partner with ecosystem partners, including broadcasters, influencers, agencies, brands, and merchants, to share in the benefits of content monetization...

Ma Yun invested heavily in planting trees in the desert, promising to plant 100 million trees every year. Seven years later, what happened to the trees?

Ma Yun invested heavily in planting trees in the desert, promising to plant 100 million trees every year. Seven years later, what happened to the trees?

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2023 CIIE: Tiansi Group claims to have invested over 3 billion yuan in the Chinese market

2023 CIIE: Tiansi Group claims to have invested over 3 billion yuan in the Chinese market

Xu Xinxiong, CEO of Tiansi Group, stated: New products and technologies, through taking the 'Jinbo Express', accelerate the commercialization and transformation of exhibits into commodities. Global enterprise trade is interconnected, and China's market becomes the world's market, and world exhibitors become Chinese investors...

Li Jiaqi's team, the investment attraction specialist of Meiwei Company, has received over a million yuan in profit fees, and the company has responded

Li Jiaqi's team, the investment attraction specialist of Meiwei Company, has received over a million yuan in profit fees, and the company has responded

On the evening of November 4th, Li Jiaqi's company @ MeiONE issued a statement in response to the statement that "the investment promotion specialist has received over a million yuan in profit fees". The statement reads as follows:Recently, Meijing (Shanghai) Network Technology Co...

Stop pretending? Foxconn revealed its true face after being investigated, but Gou Taiming issued a statement warning

Stop pretending? Foxconn revealed its true face after being investigated, but Gou Taiming issued a statement warning

Thank you for watching this article,Your support is the biggest driving force on our creative journeyPost observation perceptionThis article delves deeply into the complex relationship between enterprises and countries in the era of globalization, especially taking Foxconn, a contract manufacturing giant, as an example. This article focuses on the analysis of Foxconn's decision to close the production capacity in Chinese Mainland, build factories in Southeast Asia, and the accompanying tax investigation and public opinion disturbance...

India investigates whether opposition party figures' iPhones have been attacked by 'hackers'

India investigates whether opposition party figures' iPhones have been attacked by 'hackers'

Indian Minister of Railways, Communications, Electronics and Information Technology Ashvini Vaishnau said on the 2nd that India's cybersecurity department is investigating complaints from senior opposition figures that some of their phones have been "hacked". These people received warning messages from Apple in the United States...


The "obscene and pornographic" network information department investigates and punishes "quark" NetEase CC, ordering two platforms to immediately rectify

Recently, the quark platform and NetEase CC live streaming platform have been investigated and dealt with by relevant departments, causing widespread social attention. The National Cyberspace Administration guided the Guangdong Provincial Cyberspace Administration to conduct interviews with the leaders of the two platforms and imposed severe penalties on the network ecological issues involved...

The Cyberspace Department shall investigate and deal with illegal cases of

The Cyberspace Department shall investigate and deal with illegal cases of "quark" and "NetEase CC" damaging the network ecology in accordance with the law

Recently, in response to the problem of the destruction of the online ecosystem by the "Quark" platform and the "NetEase CC" live streaming platform, the National Cyberspace Administration guided the Guangdong Provincial Cyberspace Administration to interview the relevant platform leaders in accordance with the law, imposed a fine of 500000 yuan on the "Quark" platform, ordered "NetEase CC" to suspend the update of the "Dance" section information for 7 days, and ordered the two platforms to immediately conduct comprehensive and in-depth rectification, and seriously dealt with the relevant responsible persons.After investigation, the "quark" platform did not comply with relevant management requirements, and the search results presented a large amount of obscene and vulgar information, recommending pornographic and vulgar keywords to users, violating relevant regulations...

Guiyang Gui'an held a special investment promotion meeting, focusing on the

Guiyang Gui'an held a special investment promotion meeting, focusing on the "seven major industries" such as advanced equipment manufacturing and new energy vehicles

On October 28th, the Guiyang Gui'an Special Investment Promotion Conference was held at the Guiyang International Ecological Conference Center, focusing on the "seven major industries" of Guiyang Gui'an and inviting entrepreneurs to participate in cooperation.This promotion conference is one of the series of activities of the Guizhou Conference on Digital Transformation to Promote High Quality Development of the Manufacturing Industry and the China Top 500 Machinery Research Report Release Conference...

Hisense South Africa has become a model: included in the

Hisense South Africa has become a model: included in the "Report on Chinese Enterprise Investment in Africa (2023)"

On October 24th, the "Report on Chinese Enterprise Investment in Africa (2023)" was released in Beijing. The report points out that Chinese enterprises are an important force in promoting the development and transformation of African industrial chains...

Xiaoma Zhixing received $100 million in investment for the research and development of autonomous driving technology

Xiaoma Zhixing received $100 million in investment for the research and development of autonomous driving technology

On October 25th, Xiaoma Zhixing announced that it had received $100 million in investment from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's New Future City (NEOM) and its investment fund NIF (NEOM Investment Fund). Meanwhile, Xiaoma Zhixing and NEOM plan to establish a joint venture in New Future City in northwestern Saudi Arabia to provide autonomous driving technology solutions for the region...