Unable to decompose! Or carcinogenic, liver and kidney diseases! Nearly half of tap water in the United States contains toxic substances?!

Unable to decompose! Or carcinogenic, liver and kidney diseases! Nearly half of tap water in the United States contains toxic substances?!

Source: CCTV FinanceAccording to a survey report recently released by the United States Geological Survey,Nearly half of the tap water in the United States has excessive levels of synthetic organic fluorides.The report mentioned that the United States Geological Survey had collected samples from 716 sites, of which 45% of the samples contained excessive synthetic organic fluoride...

Kwai search, internal test, the first intelligent Q&A product in the short video live broadcast industry

Kwai search, internal test, the first intelligent Q&A product in the short video live broadcast industry

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On July 10, it was revealed that Kwai is currently conducting an internal test of its intelligent question and answer product, which will provide new functions such as intelligent question and answer and text creation in search scenarios. At present, this feature is the first application product in the short video live streaming industry to be implemented based on a large language model...

Design method for making polymer composite materials from waste materials such as olive residue

Design method for making polymer composite materials from waste materials such as olive residue

prefaceApplying industrial waste to polymer composite materials can reduce the demand for petroleum based plastics and the energy used in raw material processing. In addition, by optimizing the interfacial adhesion between the matrix and additives, the mechanical properties of composite materials can also be improved, and additional functions can be introduced based on the structure and properties of solid waste...

Jin Yichai, the Jingdong 001 courier, has been delivering express goods with all his heart for 14 years. What did Liu Qiangdong give him

Jin Yichai, the Jingdong 001 courier, has been delivering express goods with all his heart for 14 years. What did Liu Qiangdong give him

The most precious thing for a person is life. Life only comes to us once, but how should one spend their life?Subdividing into the present, that is, every day, can completely become a reason for you to strive for life, but there is still confusion that cannot be avoided, such asShould we abandon the present and strive for the future?For example, should we let go of our family and focus on our career?...

159 yuan to buy a 0.3 yuan holly sapling? Be careful! There are loopholes in the payment collected by express delivery agents

159 yuan to buy a 0.3 yuan holly sapling? Be careful! There are loopholes in the payment collected by express delivery agents

On July 3rd, China News Agency (Xinhua) (Reporter Wu Tao) "You have an important express delivery and collect payment of 159 yuan." Will you make payment in this situation? With the popularity of e-commerce, many consumers cannot remember which express delivery services they have due to buying too many things, and if they are not careful, they may be "pitted" by collecting payment on behalf of others...

The number of delivery staff has skyrocketed to about 10 million, and the number of industry service personnel will exceed 100 million. What has happened?

The number of delivery staff has skyrocketed to about 10 million, and the number of industry service personnel will exceed 100 million. What has happened?

There are approximately 10 million takeout personnel in China, including 70000 master's students and 210000 undergraduate students, which means that nearly 300000 top students are receiving takeout salaries. What exactly happened?According to data released by Meituan Takeout in the past two years, the number of Meituan riders in 2021 was 5...

Delivering Green Power to the New Energy Industry

Delivering Green Power to the New Energy Industry

The CATL Science and Technology Building, which is located on the bank of Chijian Lake, looks like a "battery cell". Here, the latest technologies and products of CATL in the field of new electric energy are displayed: Kirin batteries using the third generation CTP technology, chocolate switching blocks, optical storage charging and inspection intelligent charging stations, electric ship solutions...

The first new intelligent floating production, storage, and unloading device in China has been successfully delivered

The first new intelligent floating production, storage, and unloading device in China has been successfully delivered

Nantong, June 19th (Reporter Zhang Wujun) - China's first new intelligent FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Unloading Device) "Offshore Oil 123", invested and built by CNOOC Energy Development Co., Ltd...

Delivery of the world's largest tonnage offshore floating production, storage, and unloading vessel

Delivery of the world's largest tonnage offshore floating production, storage, and unloading vessel

Tianjin Power (Reporter Jin Bo) The offshore floating production, storage and unloading tanker, one of the largest tonnage in the world, has completed the construction, connection and commissioning of all modules, completed the delivery in the Port of Tianjin Free Trade Zone, and will leave for Brazil on the 15th.The ship has a total length of 333 meters, a total height of 64 meters, and a total width of 60 meters...

US media: New York City will set the minimum wage for delivery workers as the first in the United States

US media: New York City will set the minimum wage for delivery workers as the first in the United States

Reported by Reference News Network on June 13thAccording to the Associated Press on June 13th, officials said this week that New York City will implement a minimum wage for delivery personnel for delivery applications such as Youshi and Doldash, which is the first time in the United States.The report states that this new regulation may nearly double the average income of couriers for such applications in the coming years...

Tiktok released new rules, and public welfare accounts are not allowed to conduct live rewards and e-commerce sales

Tiktok released new rules, and public welfare accounts are not allowed to conduct live rewards and e-commerce sales

[Global Network Science and Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 12, it was reported that recently, in response to some Tiktok accounts' attempts to create false scenes and implement false public welfare on the grounds of "helping farmers", Tiktok officially released the latest norms on the governance of Tiktok public welfare content. The new regulations require that account entities initiating charitable fundraising on the platform must hold relevant qualifications and be authenticated in accordance with regulations...

Accelerating Artificial Intelligence into People's Lives - Looking at New Industry Trends from the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference

Accelerating Artificial Intelligence into People's Lives - Looking at New Industry Trends from the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, June 11thQuestion: Accelerating Artificial Intelligence into People's Lives - Looking at New Industry Trends from the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology ConferenceXinhua News Agency reporter Wei DonghuaAn intelligent biomimetic hand that can make flexible movements according to brain commands, helping patients with limb loss rebuild their hand motor function; The agricultural pesticide spraying robot that can learn can operate automatically under harsh conditions such as rain, snow, and low visibility; Pet type robots can accompany the elderly and children, and engage in emotional communication with warmthAt the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, various concepts and products of artificial intelligence have attracted a lot of attention. Participating experts have discussed the topic of artificial intelligence and described the future development prospects...