Building Intelligent Coal Mines in Ordos

Building Intelligent Coal Mines in Ordos

The picture shows the intelligent fully mechanized mining face underground in Tarahao Coal Mine. Photographed by Hao JingRecently, in the underground 3206 working face of Talahao Coal Mine of Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Company Co...

Shameless! China has discovered metal salt mines, but the United States demands sharing! Absolutely impossible

Shameless! China has discovered metal salt mines, but the United States demands sharing! Absolutely impossible

In today's interconnected global economy, the issue of resource allocation and sharing has become one of the focuses of international attention.As the world's second largest economy and resource rich country, China's influence and strength in resource development and utilization have attracted much attention!However, recently, China has excavated a large amount of metal salts in the Qinghai region, and the United States, after learning about this, wanted metal salts and subsequently accused China,Saying that China wants to become hegemonic...

Study on a New System for Chemiluminescence Signal Amplification Assisted by Microchip Electrophoresis Separation

Study on a New System for Chemiluminescence Signal Amplification Assisted by Microchip Electrophoresis Separation

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