30 large models are about to appear at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference

30 large models are about to appear at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: It is reported that the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference will be held from July 6th to 8th at the Shanghai World Expo Center and World Expo Exhibition Hall, with the theme of "Smart World Generating the Future". Wu Jincheng, Director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economic Informatization, revealed at a press conference held by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on June 29th that this year's World Artificial Intelligence Conference will further focus on the new trend of industrial and technological transformation, focusing on various aspects such as large models, intelligent computing, scientific intelligence, and embodied intelligence, to accelerate the innovation and evolution of the new generation of artificial intelligence technology...

The largest cloud based research and intelligent computing platform for Chinese universities has been launched, and the public cloud model has significantly improved the efficiency of computing power utilization

The largest cloud based research and intelligent computing platform for Chinese universities has been launched, and the public cloud model has significantly improved the efficiency of computing power utilization

On June 27th, the largest cloud based research and intelligent computing platform CFFF (Computing for the Future at Fudan) in Chinese universities was officially launched at Fudan University. This scientific research "supercomputer" built to discover and solve complex scientific problems was jointly built by Fudan University and Alibaba Cloud...

From the domestic AI giants to the global top five big model companies, how can cloud take it easy?

From the domestic AI giants to the global top five big model companies, how can cloud take it easy?

In the chaotic era of big models, Cloud has finally taken the first step in its own way.On May 30th, Yun Cong Rong announced the official launch of the public beta for the large model, which was less than two weeks after its debut on May 18th...

Complete List of Open Source Large Language Models

Complete List of Open Source Large Language Models

Large Language Model (LLM) "" AI (prompt)LLM LLM LLMChatGLM-6B ChatGLM-6B General Language Model (GLM) 62 INT4 6GB ChatGLM-6B ChatGLM 1T 62 ChatGLM-6B VisualGLM-6B VisualGLM-6B ChatGLM-6B 62 BLIP2-Qformer 78MOSS MOSS moss-moon 160 FP16 A100/A800 3090 INT4/8 3090 MOSS DB-GPT DB-GPT GPT GPT 100% 100% DB-GPT CPM-Bee CPM-Bee Transformer auto-regressiveCPM-Bee OpenBMB CPM-Bee CPM-Bee CPM-Bee OpenBMB OpenBMB CPM-Bee OpenBMB CPM-Bee CPM-Bee LaWGPT LaWGPT Chinese-LLaMAChatGLM (Linly) 32*A100 GPU baseline33B Linly-Chinese-LLAMA LLaMA CUDA CPU Huggingface Linly-Chinese-LLaMA LLaMA 7B13B 33B 65B Linly-ChatFlow 400 7B13B Linly-ChatFlow-int4 ChatFlow 4-bit CPU Linly-Chinese-BLOOM BLOOM 7B 175B Chinese-Vicuna LLaMA Chinese-Vicuna LLaMA+Lora finetune CPU ( C++) / / Facebook llama.ckpt Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca LLaMA & Alpaca Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca LLaMA Alpaca LLaMA Alpaca ChatYuan ChatYuan ChatYuan-large-v2 v1 ChatYuan-large-v2 ChatYuan PC INT4 400M GPT HuatuoGPT GPT ChatGPT HuatuoGPT ChatGPT LLaMA (BenTsao) (HuaTuo) LLaMA / (Instruct-tuning) LLaMA-7B GPT3...

New feature launched on WeChat: Silent everything in

New feature launched on WeChat: Silent everything in "quiet mode"

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 21, the reporter learned from the "WeChat faction" official account that WeChat has launched a new function - "quiet mode".It is understood that when updating to the latest version on iOS WeChat, you can turn it on through "WeChat" - "Me" - "Settings" - "Care Mode" - "Quiet Mode"...

WeChat launches' quiet mode ', everything is silent when turned on

WeChat launches' quiet mode ', everything is silent when turned on

On June 19th, according to WeChat, a new feature has been launched on WeChat: "Quiet Mode".On iOS WeChat, update to the latest version and activate it through "WeChat" - "Me" - "Settings" - "Care Mode" - "Quiet Mode"...

2023 Exchange for

2023 Exchange for "Xiaomi" and "OPPO": These 5 models have a minimum price of 1479 yuan and are smooth for three years without pressure

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Chief Scientist Zhang Hong:

Chief Scientist Zhang Hong: "Four Modernizations" Development Helps Bridge Industrialization Upgrade

Science and Technology Daily reporter Wu Chunxin, Fu Yifei, correspondent Zhou XuanOn June 16th, at the parallel forum of the 2023 World Transportation Congress, "Intelligent Construction Forum for Industrialization of Transportation Infrastructure", Zhang Hong, Chief Director of China Communications Group and Chief Scientist of China Communications Second Navigation Bureau, mentioned in the theme report that the complete set of technology and equipment for industrialized intelligent construction of steel reinforcement components, which combines the advantages of industrialization, digitization, networking, and intelligence, has received widespread attention from attendees. It is worth mentioning that Zhang Hong proposed solutions in the report to address the challenges of low efficiency, high labor demand, high safety risks, and difficult engineering quality control in traditional steel bar construction...

The Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences officially released the

The Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences officially released the "Zidong Taichu" full mode large model

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 16, at the Artificial Intelligence Framework Ecological Summit 2023, Xu Bo, director of the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, officially released the full mode model of "Zidong Taichu".It is reported that the "Zidong Taichu" full mode large model is a 2...

Is e-commerce no longer popular? New consumption models have emerged nationwide!

Is e-commerce no longer popular? New consumption models have emerged nationwide!

When the Online shopping platform was just emerging, many people held a questioning attitude. Now, the development of Online shopping is inextricably linked with everyone's daily life...

Zhiyuan Research Institute Huang Tiejun: The Visual Model is on the eve of the

Zhiyuan Research Institute Huang Tiejun: The Visual Model is on the eve of the "Explosion"

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiCompared to the language model, the visual model is still on the eve of its explosion and requires a 'killer' application to emerge. Recently, during the 2023 Beijing Zhiyuan Conference (hereinafter referred to as the "Conference"), Huang Tiejun, the director of Zhiyuan Research Institute, said in an interview with reporters...

Using model evolution models, Zhiyuan releases open source packages; Big Models Can't Bring AGI, LeCun Proposes Three Major Challenges | Frontline

Using model evolution models, Zhiyuan releases open source packages; Big Models Can't Bring AGI, LeCun Proposes Three Major Challenges | Frontline

Wen | Zhou XinyuEditor | Deng YongyiIs the next stop for the big model General Artificial Intelligence (AGI)?At the Zhiyuan Conference that opened on June 9th, top talents in the AI field from China and the United States discussed the future of big models and AGI.Due to its non-profit and research oriented nature, Zhiyuan is regarded by the industry as the "early OpenAI of China" and also the Huangpu Military Academy for domestic AI talents...