Building a world-class bridge in Jiangsu is beneficial for cross river development, but the only drawback is that the name is awkward

Building a world-class bridge in Jiangsu is beneficial for cross river development, but the only drawback is that the name is awkward

The Zhangjinggao Yangtze River Bridge is a bridge under construction in Jiangsu Province that spans the Yangtze River. Due to the fact that the Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River basin is located downstream of the Yangtze River and the river surface is generally wide, the constructed Yangtze River bridges are breaking records...

Wu Xiaobo offered a reward of 1 million yuan to

Wu Xiaobo offered a reward of 1 million yuan to "Twitter counterfeiters", claiming that the top 100 media people with professional ability pretended to be themselves, and the other party changed its name to "Cai Xukun" and responded

Recently, Wu Xiaobo tore up a "high imitation Twitter account" in his social media circle, claiming that a financial media person with "top 100 professional abilities" had opened a Twitter account to impersonate him, and also said many "anti thief" words. He has reported the situation to relevant departments and offered a reward of one million to arrest this "Li Gui"...

Zhou Yuan, CEO of Zhihu, said that the anonymity function will be adjusted: Name calling and rumors are not welcome in the community

Zhou Yuan, CEO of Zhihu, said that the anonymity function will be adjusted: Name calling and rumors are not welcome in the community

On June 22nd, Tech Planet reported that Zhou Yuan, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Zhihu, responded to the controversy over Zhihu's anonymous feature on his Moments and stated that he would make adjustments to the feature in the near future. "Zhihu accepts criticism, and the community remains open to discussions about Zhihu...

Apple Releases iOS17 System: Introducing Features such as

Apple Releases iOS17 System: Introducing Features such as "Poster" and "NameDrop"

On June 6th, IT Home announced that Apple was launching the iOS17 system at the WWDC2023 Developer Conference, and it is expected that the iPhone 15 series models launched this autumn will be the first to be equipped.Apple's iOS17 focuses more on optimizing details, with a focus on adjusting the lock screen interface, introducing editing and canceling message sending functions for iMessage, and supporting real-time events such as race scores on Lingdong Island...