The situation that concerns the United States is emerging, as new technologies for high-end chips are being dismantled and lithography machines may become scrap metal

The situation that concerns the United States is emerging, as new technologies for high-end chips are being dismantled and lithography machines may become scrap metal

Text | Jiang Zuo MeilangTypesetting Editor | Black CodeOur chip industry is facing a situation where 'a skillful woman cannot make rice without cooking'. To make high-end chips, in addition to requiring strong design capabilities, their production and processing also require extremely advanced equipment...

Reversed? 11%, 12%, 24%, NVIDIA Huang Renxun: There is no other China!

Reversed? 11%, 12%, 24%, NVIDIA Huang Renxun: There is no other China!

Introduction:The semiconductor industry is one of the most advanced industries in the world today, involving a wide range of fields, such as computers, communication, military, medical, and so on. In the "Made in China 2025" development strategy, the semiconductor industry is regarded as a very important pillar industry...

US experts warn that China should avoid stubbornness and face economic risks if it continues to develop chips

US experts warn that China should avoid stubbornness and face economic risks if it continues to develop chips

When an American expert warns China that if it continues to develop chips, it may face an economic crisis, this is actually a misunderstanding of China's independent research and development capabilities and a protection of the dominant position of the US market. This warning seems to overlook the importance of enhancing independent research and development capabilities and continuous innovation for a country's economy...

The Wei family's Liangpi cannot afford to withdraw from the Meituan at a high price, and the end of the

The Wei family's Liangpi cannot afford to withdraw from the Meituan at a high price, and the end of the "lone brave" is already doomed

NO.505Author: Jing Tianwei and DiReviewed by: Cheng Cheng/Editor: ZhizhiThe draw is too high, and merchants are no longer playing...

Science and technology innovation platform adds impetus to county development

Science and technology innovation platform adds impetus to county development

Entering the Yidu Industrial Technology Research Institute of Hubei University, Yang Guichun and Jiang Jun, two teachers stationed at the site, are busy connecting with the enterprise.Biopharmaceuticals and fine chemicals are the two leading industries in Yidu City...

Autonomous driving is not equal to AI,

Autonomous driving is not equal to AI, "Da Mo analysts pour cold water on Tesla investors

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 2, according to foreign media reports, Adam Jonas, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, said in his research report on Thursday, "With such a vast potential market, Tesla can consider many things. But we believe that it is an automobile company in the final analysis...

Vitamin D deficiency is not enough, and supplementing too much is not enough

Vitamin D deficiency is not enough, and supplementing too much is not enough

Intern journalist Pei ChenweiWith the increasing awareness of people's health, many people have begun to pay attention to supplementing various nutrients. On the internet, many people say that they "don't spend enough time in the sun" and "their bone density is not high enough", so they need to supplement extra vitamin D; But some people also believe that supplementing too much vitamin D can cause harm to the liver...

Flexible nanoelectrodes can provide precise brain stimulation

Flexible nanoelectrodes can provide precise brain stimulation

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, June 1st (Reporter Zhang Mengran) - Traditional implantable medical devices designed to stimulate the brain are usually too hard and bulky for the softest and most fragile tissues in the body. To address this issue, engineers at Rice University in the United States have developed minimally invasive, ultra flexible nanoelectrodes that can serve as implantation platforms for long-term, high-resolution stimulation therapy...

Accelerating Run on the New Track of the Digital Economy (Online China)

Accelerating Run on the New Track of the Digital Economy (Online China)

Self parking "leave first and pay later"; The smart devices in the park automatically record fitness data; Real time perception of traffic flow and optimization of timing at traffic lights to improve vehicle traffic efficiency; The government platform integrates various convenient service functions, and "data running" replaces "mass running"....

Taobao Announces 618 Small and Medium Merchants' First Day Data, More than 2 Million Small and Medium Merchants Completed

Taobao Announces 618 Small and Medium Merchants' First Day Data, More than 2 Million Small and Medium Merchants Completed "First Order"

On the afternoon of June 1st, Taobao sent a special "battle report". Unlike previous transcripts filled with various types of "strong growth", this report records only "trivial matters" and is full of fireworks...

TCL Technology: Proposed repurchase of shares for RMB 220 million to RMB 250 million

TCL Technology: Proposed repurchase of shares for RMB 220 million to RMB 250 million

On June 1st, TCL Technology announced that the company plans to repurchase its shares through centralized bidding, with a total amount of no less than 220 million yuan and no more than 250 million yuan, and a repurchase price of no more than 578 yuan per share. The repurchased shares will be used for employee stock ownership plans or equity incentives...

Anhui: Moving from a

Anhui: Moving from a "Science and Education Province" to a "Source of Science and Technology Innovation"

High quality development research tourOur reporter Wu Changfeng, Jin Feng, Liu Yuanyuan, Cui ShuangFrom the "Nine Chapters" quantum computer, to the stable strong magnetic field with "the strongest magnetic field strength in the world", to the fully superconducting tokamak scientific experimental device "artificial sun", which carries the ultimate dream of human energy, each piece of original and innovative scientific research achievements makes people feel the unique temperament of the city "science and technology".On May 29th, the "High Quality Development Research Tour" themed interview team visited Anhui to closely observe how Anhui accelerates the implementation of the innovation driven development strategy, actively promotes the construction of an innovative province, focuses on creating a source of scientific and technological innovation, forges strengths in strengthening the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, and plays the "first hand" in innovation...