The most profitable bridge in China! In the past, it was 5 million yuan, but now it's desolate and miserable. What happened

The most profitable bridge in China! In the past, it was 5 million yuan, but now it's desolate and miserable. What happened

Humen Bridge: China's Pride and ChallengeChina, as one of the most populous countries in the world, has been experiencing rapid urbanization and economic growth. This growth has formed close connections among various cities in China, strengthening economic cooperation and cultural exchange...

The real situation of not having a holiday on New Year's Eve in 2024 is clear at a glance

The real situation of not having a holiday on New Year's Eve in 2024 is clear at a glance

The fireworks in the sky burst out with a series of brilliant lights, reflecting on the heart, instantly immersing people in a beautiful picture that is palpitating. However, there was a loud bang that shattered this wonderful moment, like the sound of an alarm clock, making people wake up completely from their dreams...

The Notebook Market Trends Are Clear, Huawei's Smart PC Ranked First in the Light and Thin Book Market in the Third Quarter

The Notebook Market Trends Are Clear, Huawei's Smart PC Ranked First in the Light and Thin Book Market in the Third Quarter

With the continuous development of technology, intelligence has become a new trend in the development of electronic products. In the upcoming Double Eleven Shopping Carnival, many consumers also want to take the opportunity to update their "electronic equipment"...

Wanxing Technology Releases AI Video Creation Software Filmora13

Wanxing Technology Releases AI Video Creation Software Filmora13

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On October 30, according to Wanxing Technology's official WeChat official account, the company's AI video creation software WondershareFilmora13 was released worldwide. The new version has a built-in creative assistant Copilot, which allows users to quickly obtain information and assist in creative work through conversations with AI assistants...

The e-commerce industry has changed. Have you noticed that there have been three abnormal changes on Double 11 this year

The e-commerce industry has changed. Have you noticed that there have been three abnormal changes on Double 11 this year

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate your discussion and sharing, as well as bring you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!The e-commerce industry has changed...

Sudden reversal of situation? Biden announces permanent exemption, foreign media: China may not need it anymore!

Sudden reversal of situation? Biden announces permanent exemption, foreign media: China may not need it anymore!

Before reading, I hope everyone can pay a little attention, so that we can discuss and share more exciting stories with you in the comments section. Thank you for your support...

Focusing on the construction of an agricultural power and promoting innovation in water-saving and water supply technology

Focusing on the construction of an agricultural power and promoting innovation in water-saving and water supply technology

People's Daily Online, Beijing, October 29 (Ouyang Yijia) "The position of scientific and technological innovation in the overall cause of the party and the country has never been improved, and scientific and technological empowerment has become a significant symbol of building an agricultural power." Recently, the fourth Forum on Agricultural Water Saving and Rural Water Supply Technology Development was held...

Have you lost a lot? China undertook the construction of Indonesia's high-speed rail, and it was only after its opening that it fully understood that it was not an ordinary skill

Have you lost a lot? China undertook the construction of Indonesia's high-speed rail, and it was only after its opening that it fully understood that it was not an ordinary skill

One TalkEdit | One TalkWhen it comes to high-speed rail, I have to mention ChinaThe total operating mileage of high-speed rail exceeds 31000 kilometers,Ranking first in the world,Infrastructure Demon.,,yesYawan High Speed Railway...

Chinese and Foreign Experts Discuss Green Transformation, Beijing Association for Science and Technology: Using Green Design to Assist Green Development Practice

Chinese and Foreign Experts Discuss Green Transformation, Beijing Association for Science and Technology: Using Green Design to Assist Green Development Practice

Global Times Global Network Comprehensive ReportOn the 26th local time, the 2023 International Forum on Green Design and Green Manufacturing (Berlin) and the Dialogue on Green Transformation and Climate Change were held in Berlin, Germany. More than 30000 political and business professionals, scholars, and industry representatives from more than ten countries, including China, Germany, the United States, Italy, Georgia, France, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, participated in the conference through offline and online means, jointly exploring, exchanging, and conspiring for green development around the theme of "green design, green world"...

Digital technology drives the accelerated development of manufacturing industry

Digital technology drives the accelerated development of manufacturing industry

In the first three quarters, the cumulative traffic of mobile internet reached 218.8 billion GB, a year-on-year increase of 14...

Exceeding expectations! TCL Technology's Q3 net profit in its display business increased to 1.8 billion yuan, and panel prices rose across the board

Exceeding expectations! TCL Technology's Q3 net profit in its display business increased to 1.8 billion yuan, and panel prices rose across the board

On the evening of October 27th, TCL Technology disclosed its third quarter report, stating that its performance has improved strongly against the backdrop of a slowdown in global economic growth. In the first three quarters, the company achieved a revenue of 133...

Xiaoi Robot: Creating a Sino Tibetan Universal Big Model Ecology through

Xiaoi Robot: Creating a Sino Tibetan Universal Big Model Ecology through "1+1+3"

The true success of the big model lies in achieving commercial monetization, "said Yuan Hui, the chairman and CEO of the company's board of directors, at the ecological press conference of the Xiaoi Robot Huazang General Big Model on October 26th. In his view, the sustainable iteration and development of any large artificial intelligence model cannot be achieved without successful commercial monetization...