Mobile payment

Mobile payment "+" overseas merchants exploring digital business opportunities

Global Network Technology Reporter Li Wenyao: Hassan from Pakistan has been driving a taxi in Dubai for 18 years. This year, he felt two obvious differences: one is the return of Chinese tourists, and the other is the availability of Alipay...

Alipay's overseas transportation services are favored by Chinese, and the number of transactions is 16 times higher than that in 2019

Alipay's overseas transportation services are favored by Chinese, and the number of transactions is 16 times higher than that in 2019

This year, during the Mid Autumn Festival and holiday season, during the extended version of the Golden Week, Chinese people's enthusiasm for going abroad to experience "poetry and distance" is soaring. According to the outbound travel service data released by Alipay today, the overall number of outbound travel transactions of Chinese people has recovered to nearly 80% in the same period of 2019, and the per capita consumption has slightly increased to 105% in 2019...

Shenzhou Car Rental Mid Autumn Festival Eleven Big Data: Hub Networks Boost

Shenzhou Car Rental Mid Autumn Festival Eleven Big Data: Hub Networks Boost "Big Transportation+Landing Rental" Orders Increase by Over 300%

Driven by multiple factors such as long vacations, home visits, parent-child vacations, and cross city performances, this year's "National Day" has reached a new high in popularity, and the tourism market has ushered in the most concentrated and released travel craze in recent years. According to the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 826 million domestic tourists will travel during the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Eleventh Festival holidays in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 71...

Closing of the first low-carbon account for the Asian Games to reduce carbon emissions by over 15 tons

Closing of the first low-carbon account for the Asian Games to reduce carbon emissions by over 15 tons

On October 6th, as the Hangzhou Asian Games are coming to an end, the "Cloud Asian Games Village" green and low-carbon activity was held in the Hangzhou Asian Games Village. Since its launch, the low-carbon account of the "Cloud Asian Games Village" has accumulated over 15 tons of carbon reduction, and has participated in over 640000 activities...

Favorite female anchor earns over 60000 yuan a year as a reward

Favorite female anchor earns over 60000 yuan a year as a reward

The "fancy" way for broadcasters to request and reward is the most common one, which is to directly request gifts from elderly fans in the live broadcast room, or to induce elderly fans to reward through live PKSome live broadcasts targeting the elderly have met their emotional needs, thus gaining their attention, interaction, and even rewards, reflecting the urgent reality of the elderly's need for spiritual support Live streaming platforms should shoulder social responsibilities comparable to their profits, and it is recommended to establish corresponding refund mechanisms for elderly people with weak judgment and cognitive declineReporter Zhao Li from our newspaperIntern Wan Peng from this newspaperSinging is about lip syncing, and dancing is just a slight twist. The entire live broadcast lacks any aesthetic appeal, but my father just likes it, "said Gao Feng (pseudonym), a resident of Chengdu, Sichuan, describing the scene of a female anchor her father" loves "in the live broadcast room...

Is it worth investing 51.6 billion yuan over decades to successfully open the Qinchuan River to the water diversion project from the Han River to the Wei River

Is it worth investing 51.6 billion yuan over decades to successfully open the Qinchuan River to the water diversion project from the Han River to the Wei River

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

The apple has overturned! Europeans boycott iPhone 15, quality issues are worrying

The apple has overturned! Europeans boycott iPhone 15, quality issues are worrying

Apple's "Non Made in China" strategy has sparked controversy: quality issues test the loyalty of fruit powderIntroduction:In recent years, brand reputation and word-of-mouth have been considered more important than the quality of the product itself. Apple has launched a "non Chinese made" strategy in the European market, hoping to win praise from consumers...

(Technology) New Research Discovers the Deep Pathogenic Mechanism of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease

(Technology) New Research Discovers the Deep Pathogenic Mechanism of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease

Jerusalem, October 5th (Xinhua) - The Israeli Institute of Technology recently released a statement stating that an international team led by its researchers has found that the accumulation of toxic proteins in the brain of sporadic Alzheimer's disease patients is related to the failure of protein clearance mechanisms, and targeting specific proteins may alleviate the disease. The relevant paper was published in the UK journal Nature Communications...

How much has the performance of mobile phones changed over the past four years? Comparison of running points between Xiaomi 9 and Xiaomi 13

How much has the performance of mobile phones changed over the past four years? Comparison of running points between Xiaomi 9 and Xiaomi 13

It is reported that by the end of October this year, Qualcomm will bring the latest flagship chip Snapdragon 8Gen3. It is reported that the new chip will introduce a new Cortex-X4 architecture, which significantly improves CPU performance...

Exposed that the Meituan riders rebelled against the

Exposed that the Meituan riders rebelled against the "Overlord Clause" and took orders recklessly before canceling their account. Meituan customer service: Under verification

In response to the resistance of Meituan's delivery riders, they made every effort to snatch 253 orders in just four hours, and then chose to pick up meals and deliver them in place. Although this brought some troubles to consumers and businesses, the reasons behind it highlighted their dissatisfaction with Meituan and their willingness to call for improvement...

Xiaomi Leader Lei Jun, one person controls over 1000 companies! Can be called the godfather of investment

Xiaomi Leader Lei Jun, one person controls over 1000 companies! Can be called the godfather of investment

The world only knows Buffett, how many people are there in China?Perhaps some people can name Duan Yongping. Yes, Duan Yongping has indeed left a significant mark in the history of domestic investment...

Apple Releases iOS Software Update to Solve iPhone 15 Overheating Problem

Apple Releases iOS Software Update to Solve iPhone 15 Overheating Problem

According to AI News, on October 4th local time, Apple released an iOS 17.0...