Why is there a No-fly zone over Beijing? The consequences of sudden intrusion are unbearable for anyone!

Why is there a No-fly zone over Beijing? The consequences of sudden intrusion are unbearable for anyone!

Why are no civil aviation aircraft allowed to fly over Beijing? Because of the consequences of suddenly breaking in, none of us can afford it!There is a special provision in the Civil Aviation Law that no Airliner is allowed to fly in and around the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing. That is to say, a No-fly zone has been set up in this airspace...

Game Business Overlay with Intelligent Computing Power Concept: Century Huatong Accelerates into a Growth Channel

Game Business Overlay with Intelligent Computing Power Concept: Century Huatong Accelerates into a Growth Channel

Entering July, the A-share market has ushered in the mid reporting season again, with many companies with increasing performance taking the lead in sending out "good news" to the market. As the leader of the gaming industry, Century Huatong has also released a beautiful semi annual pre increase announcement to the public...

Can't even watch the news broadcast without paying a fee? People's Daily spoke up and tore off the TV manufacturer's cover

Can't even watch the news broadcast without paying a fee? People's Daily spoke up and tore off the TV manufacturer's cover

Wen | YuanshanEdit | DuoyuBefore reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on itFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

Red to the point of flipping over the table of the senior, the new top stream is so crazy

Red to the point of flipping over the table of the senior, the new top stream is so crazy

The digital circle, which used to be filled with golden phrases and celebrities, has not had any dazzling fun for a long time.Apart from waiting to see when the iPhone will come out with a new color scheme once a year, the only news that seems a bit splashy is that Musk and Zuckerberg have arranged to fight...

Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Technology Frontiers Guangming Daily, July 15, Beijing (reporter Jin Haotian)The Dai Hancheng research group and collaborators of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Peking University have recently found that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's achievement of the 2060 carbon neutrality target. Biomass energy is an important alternative means for China to achieve carbon neutrality, and China needs to combine various measures such as moderately relaxing food trade, increasing crop yield, reducing food waste, and shifting towards a healthy diet to build an efficient food system that is in line with its national conditions...

The account of the

The account of the "Provincial Government Office" sent indecent information, and the group building unit: virus invasion, has been reported!

In our daily lives, WeChat has become an important tool for communication and exchange. However, a recent incident involving the release of indecent information on the WeChat group of the Hunan Provincial Government Office has given us a new understanding of the issue of network security...

Is the

Is the "Provincial Government Office" posting indecent information on WeChat groups? Group building unit: Virus intrusion, alarm triggered

On the morning of July 15th, a screenshot of a WeChat chat was widely circulated online and attracted attention.The screenshot shows that there are a total of 304 people in a WeChat group called "Hunan Provincial Unit Asset System Technical Support Group"...

Tencent QQNT9.9 Experience Edition is a novelty, but Shishan has been overthrown in ten years. Is the new version better to use?

Tencent QQNT9.9 Experience Edition is a novelty, but Shishan has been overthrown in ten years. Is the new version better to use?

For a software, as long as it lives long enough, it will definitely become a "mountain of shit". Programmers use 'Shishan' to describe these sufficiently old products as very vivid...

The top 10 platform enterprises with market value have invested over 500 billion yuan in research and development

The top 10 platform enterprises with market value have invested over 500 billion yuan in research and development

Beijing, July 14th (Reporter Liu Zhiqiang) Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, conducted in-depth research to understand the development of platform enterprises and sorted out a batch of typical investment cases. From the research situation, it can be seen that platform enterprises continue to increase their investment in technological innovation, empowering the real economy, and other fields...

Founder of the Disappearing Jinli: Debt of 20 Billion Still Goes to the Casino, Loses Over One Billion and Evaporates from the World

Founder of the Disappearing Jinli: Debt of 20 Billion Still Goes to the Casino, Loses Over One Billion and Evaporates from the World

Before reading the article, please kindly click on 'Follow' to facilitate discussion and sharing. In order to give back your support, I will update you daily with high-quality updateswriting|Ocean Dreameredit|Ocean Dreamer-Preface-I wonder if you still remember the Gionee mobile phone that was popular all over the country,In that era when mobile phone brands flourished, Jinli became a leader in the mobile phone industry with its own efforts...

CUHK team discovers nickel based high-temperature superconductor for the first time in the world

CUHK team discovers nickel based high-temperature superconductor for the first time in the world

Scientific researchers show new nickel based High-temperature superconductivity materialsProfessor Wang Meng (middle) and team studentsYangcheng Evening News reporter Chen LiangOn July 12, the international academic journal Nature published the scientific achievement led by Professor Wang Meng of Sun Yat-sen University: the first discovery of nickel oxide superconductor at liquid nitrogen temperature. This is a new High-temperature superconductivity system first discovered by Chinese scientists in the world...

Penalty of 7.1 billion yuan, tearing off Ali's fig leaf, revealing the lie of 100 billion yuan over three years in the Dharma Hall, publicly exposed

Penalty of 7.1 billion yuan, tearing off Ali's fig leaf, revealing the lie of 100 billion yuan over three years in the Dharma Hall, publicly exposed

followfollowfollowfollowfollowfollowTherefore, Alibaba's financial transformation and the development of the Dharma Academy have become the focus of public controversy. This also prompted Alibaba to re-examine its development strategy, strengthen the development of e-commerce business, focus on commercial applications of technological innovation, and actively cooperate with regulatory authorities to promote the healthy development of the industry...