Problem Solving Enterprise Overseas Payment Process Amazon Cloud Technology Launches Payment Encryption Service

Problem Solving Enterprise Overseas Payment Process Amazon Cloud Technology Launches Payment Encryption Service

Global Network Technology Reporter Lin Mengxue: Buying a cup of coffee at a coffee shop and placing an order for a product on an e-commerce platform all involve multiple stages of financial payment, and encryption of financial data storage and circulation is an important aspect of ensuring financial security.Encryption is the biggest challenge in ensuring the security of consumer payment processes...

159 yuan to buy a 0.3 yuan holly sapling? Be careful! There are loopholes in the payment collected by express delivery agents

159 yuan to buy a 0.3 yuan holly sapling? Be careful! There are loopholes in the payment collected by express delivery agents

On July 3rd, China News Agency (Xinhua) (Reporter Wu Tao) "You have an important express delivery and collect payment of 159 yuan." Will you make payment in this situation? With the popularity of e-commerce, many consumers cannot remember which express delivery services they have due to buying too many things, and if they are not careful, they may be "pitted" by collecting payment on behalf of others...

PayerMax obtained Indonesian payment license

PayerMax obtained Indonesian payment license

Recently, PayerMax, a global online payment company, announced that it has officially obtained a PJP payment license from the Bank of Indonesia. This means that PayerMax's capabilities in system security, compliance operations, and risk control have been recognized by regulatory agencies...