The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or not

The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or not

The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or notThe era of big data has profoundly changed our way of life, not only affecting personal privacy, but also playing an important role in legal and anti pornography work...

Adhering to the positioning of

Adhering to the positioning of "patient-centered", how to build a smart hospital

As an inevitable trend in the future development of the medical industry, the construction of smart hospitals can not only improve the efficiency and quality of medical services, alleviate the problem of difficult and expensive medical treatment for the people, but also serve as an important means of modern hospital management.From a practical perspective, with the rapid development of information technology and the digital transformation of the medical industry, more and more medical institutions are exploring the construction of smart hospitals...

Vivo new aircraft official announcement: officially launched on June 8th, with a clear positioning!

Vivo new aircraft official announcement: officially launched on June 8th, with a clear positioning!

With the development and demand of the smartphone market, more and more new phones are becoming more refined and positioned. There are multiple models in just one type of model, such as imaging phones with humanities, selfies, night scenes, etc...