Only open source for 24 hours! The download volume of GitHub has exceeded one million! Alibaba Internal Full Color Concurrent Programming Manual

Only open source for 24 hours! The download volume of GitHub has exceeded one million! Alibaba Internal Full Color Concurrent Programming Manual

Following the principles of simplifying complex problems, concretizing abstract problems...

TIOBE released the programming language ranking for October: Java's share fell by 3.92% to become fourth place

TIOBE released the programming language ranking for October: Java's share fell by 3.92% to become fourth place

TIOBE released the programming language ranking for October: Java's share fell by 3.92% to become fourth place---IT Home, October 9th News: The TIOBE Programming Community Index is once again shocking! As an authoritative indicator of the popularity of programming languages, the TIOBE official website recently released the programming language ranking for October 2023...

The 4th Gansu Youth Creative Programming and Intelligent design Competition ended

The 4th Gansu Youth Creative Programming and Intelligent design Competition ended

On July 18, the opening ceremony of the fourth Gansu Youth Creative Programming and Intelligent design Competition was held in Gansu Science and Technology Museum, sponsored by Gansu Science and Technology Association, Gansu Provincial Department of Education, Gansu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and organized by Gansu Science and Technology Museum (Gansu Youth Science and Technology Activity Center) and Gansu Youth Science and Technology Education Association.The theme of this competition is "Technology achieves dreams, AI creates the future"...