High school students blindly pursue vanity for health loss

High school students blindly pursue vanity for health loss

High school students blindly pursue vanity for health lossFrom self-imposed limitations and desires unfulfilled to a painful cost of vanity tradingWith the development of the times, people's living pace is getting faster and faster, especially on the path of chasing vanity and short-term success, many people have walked the wrong path. This high school student Wang Gang is one of them...

Astronaut Zhu Yangzhu, born after the 16th and 85th year of the Shenzhou era: In his doctoral thesis, he humbled himself by saying

Astronaut Zhu Yangzhu, born after the 16th and 85th year of the Shenzhou era: In his doctoral thesis, he humbled himself by saying "no material can fill the sky" and finally pursued the wind and went into space

Jimu News Reporter Zhang QiDo we actually have astronauts in Peixian? They're so amazingAstronaut Zhu Yangzhu's hometown, Peixian County, Jiangsu Province, is located on the banks of Weishan Lake. Before the news of Zhu Yangzhu entering space as a Shenzhou 16 astronaut was released, one million people in Peixian County did not know that a space hero had emerged from their hometown...