100 times faster than Wi Fi! Li Fi wireless transmission standard 802.11bb officially released

100 times faster than Wi Fi! Li Fi wireless transmission standard 802.11bb officially released

Everyone is familiar with Wi Fi, and the latest standard has evolved to 802.11be, known as Wi Fi 7, with a theoretical speed of up to 30Gbps...

4 million fans and internet celebrities have released 'Edge Video' that has been indefinitely banned. Netizens: Great!

4 million fans and internet celebrities have released 'Edge Video' that has been indefinitely banned. Netizens: Great!

Recently, the Tiktok platform "Tiktok Blackboard News" announced that the platform focused on the remediation of vulgar pornographic accounts, and 22 high profile accounts were banned indefinitely. For example, "Chen * * Sister" (4...

The Research Report on China's AIforScience Innovation Map has been officially released

The Research Report on China's AIforScience Innovation Map has been officially released

At the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference Ascending Artificial Intelligence Industry Summit Forum held on July 6th, the "China AIforScience Innovation Map Research Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"), jointly prepared by the China Institute of Science and Technology Information Technology and the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Research Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and relevant research institutions, was officially released.At the meeting, Zhao Zhiyun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the China Institute of Science and Technology Information Technology, and Director of the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Research Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, introduced that artificial intelligence empowering scientific research has increasingly shown great potential to break through the bottleneck of traditional scientific research capabilities and is becoming a new paradigm for global scientific research...

Tailing has released a luxury electric vehicle with a range of 2023, featuring a rugged and imposing design, high-definition instruments, and a range of over 100 kilometers

Tailing has released a luxury electric vehicle with a range of 2023, featuring a rugged and imposing design, high-definition instruments, and a range of over 100 kilometers

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Perfect World Releases Performance Forecast for the Half Year of 2023: New Games Ready to Launch

Perfect World Releases Performance Forecast for the Half Year of 2023: New Games Ready to Launch

On July 12th, Perfect World released its semi annual performance forecast for 2023, with an expected net profit attributable to the parent company of 360 million to 400 million yuan and a net profit deducted of 280 million to 320 million yuan. Among them, the net profit deducted from the gaming business is expected to be 410 million to 450 million yuan...

First release of the Electric Power Artificial Intelligence Dataset Catalog

First release of the Electric Power Artificial Intelligence Dataset Catalog

First release of the Electric Power Artificial Intelligence Dataset CatalogOn July 6, 2023, the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC 2023) with the theme of "Zhilian World: Generating the Future" was held at the Shanghai World Expo Center. Artificial intelligence technology, as a key variable, has now become a strategic lever for promoting a new round of technological revolution, industrial transformation, and social development, empowering various industries to profoundly change people's social life, industrial structure, work methods, and technological trends...

Can't even watch the news broadcast without paying? The People's Daily has released an article revealing the cover up of television manufacturers

Can't even watch the news broadcast without paying? The People's Daily has released an article revealing the cover up of television manufacturers

In the parents' generation, if anyone had a black and white TV set in the village, the entire village would compete to watch. At that time, televisions could definitely be considered high-end luxury goods, and even with money, it was not necessarily possible to buy them...

The latest Nature Index list was released! In this field, China ranks first! Wuhan University ranks No.1 in central China

The latest Nature Index list was released! In this field, China ranks first! Wuhan University ranks No.1 in central China

Recently, the 2023 Nature Index Annual Tables was released. This Nature Index list is based on the statistical data from January 1 to December 31, 2022, showing the high-level scientific research output of different countries and scientific research institutions in the field of natural science...

Alibaba Cloud AI Painting Creation Big Model Tongyi Wanxiang Release has opened targeted test invitation

Alibaba Cloud AI Painting Creation Big Model Tongyi Wanxiang Release has opened targeted test invitation

[World Wide Web Technology Report] On July 7, at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Alibaba Cloud announced that the AI painting creation model Tongyi Wanxiang opened a targeted test invitation. The model can help people create pictures and can be used in art design, e-commerce, games, cultural creation and other application scenarios in the future...

TCL releases the

TCL releases the "3050" carbon neutrality target and action plan to promote the construction of a green and sustainable industrial ecosystem

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn July 6th, during the 2023 TCL Global Ecological Partnership Conference (GPC2023), TCL officially released a carbon neutrality white paper and officially announced the Enterprise Carbon Neutrality Action Plan TCLGreen, setting the "3050" commitment goal of "achieving carbon peak no later than 2030 and carbon neutrality no later than 2050". At the same time, TCL announced important achievements in technological innovation, standard formulation, industrial alliances, strategic cooperation, and other fields since the launch of the global ecological cooperation development strategy "Sunrise Plan" two years ago...

Help Quantum technology! After Nature, the scientific research team of Wuhan University will release Science again!

Help Quantum technology! After Nature, the scientific research team of Wuhan University will release Science again!

Recently,SciencePublished in ScienceWuhan UniversityThe latest research results of Yuan Shengjun's team from the School of Physical Science and Technology on the Rydberg Morr excitons. The title of the paper is(Discovering the Rydberg Moore exciton)...

Tianyancha collaborates with Huawei Cloud to release the world's first commercial search model

Tianyancha collaborates with Huawei Cloud to release the world's first commercial search model

On July 2nd, Beijing Jindi Technology Co., Ltd...