Force Carrefour away and scare Wal Mart away! This Chinese supermarket's service is completely abusive to Japanese people, super impressive

Force Carrefour away and scare Wal Mart away! This Chinese supermarket's service is completely abusive to Japanese people, super impressive

Article | Puff on the Third FloorEditor | Puff on the Third FloorWhen it comes to which supermarket provides the best service, there is only one answer to everyone's psychology across the country, which is Fat Donglai from Henan.Just relying on the pictures of the crowds in the mall, one can see his popularity,In order to avoid causing casualties, Pangdonglai even arranged for police comrades to maintain order when it opened its business...

Do Europe and America want to produce gallium themselves? Shandong Binzhou's annual electricity consumption of 123.5 billion kilowatt hours directly scares them out

Do Europe and America want to produce gallium themselves? Shandong Binzhou's annual electricity consumption of 123.5 billion kilowatt hours directly scares them out

The ancient Chinese ancestor left many classic sayings to future generations, such as hitting the snake and hitting the seven inch mark, coming without disrespect, and so on.In recent years, some European and American countries used some unfounded reasons to restrict the development of China's Semiconductor industry, trying to hinder the progress of China's advanced industries, and then consolidate their position in competitive industries and their leadership in the global industry chain...

CA1524 Sky Scare

CA1524 Sky Scare

Pengpai News Reporter Yuan Lu, Chen YuanyuanIntern Huang Yifan, Zhou Yufan, Yu RuoxinThe sky is cloudy. As usual, Guitarist Wang Juve from Summer Vapor arrived at the airport with his guitar, bass and other instruments after the performance...

China's attack on gallium and germanium, have we seen if the West is scared? Don't heIp yourself

China's attack on gallium and germanium, have we seen if the West is scared? Don't heIp yourself

#The current hot topic headline says # China's attack on gallium and germanium this time has already caused some people to cry out. US media: This is causing destruction/ China has launched a major move to control the export of gallium and germanium, which may hit the US related industries heavily/ China's move is a big kill, controlling the export of gallium and germanium! The US military radar faces the risk of discontinuation/ China has launched two heavy fists of gallium and germanium, and high-tech industries such as the United States and the West are almost paralyzed/ China's export controls have shocked the world: the high-end semiconductor chip icon industry may be in trouble/ Take action at a critical moment! China restricts the export of rare metal gallium and germanium, strongly opposed by US media/ Why did China's restrictions on exporting gallium and germanium cause a great uproar around the world/ China has announced export controls on rare metals gallium and germanium, triggering strong reactions from Western countries...