Taiwanese media: Not only is there a shortage of people, but American experts analyze multiple reasons for TSMC's delayed factory construction in the United States

Taiwanese media: Not only is there a shortage of people, but American experts analyze multiple reasons for TSMC's delayed factory construction in the United States

Source: Global NetworkTSMC's Arizona plant in the United States recently announced that the production time for the 4-nanometer process will be postponed from the end of 2024 to 2025. According to a report by Taiwan's China Times News Network on the 13th, citing the website of the US financial magazine Barron Weekly, JPMorgan Chase's research director in the Asia Pacific technology field, Harry Haran, analyzed that the delay in the construction of TSMC's US factory is not only due to personnel shortages, but also due to difficulties in machine installation, difficulty in finding skilled labor, uncertainty or risk of delay in funding for the "Chip Act", as well as weak overall demand for cutting-edge processes...

Serious shortage! Merchants rely on

Serious shortage! Merchants rely on "hands on speed" to purchase goods! Recently, it has been too popular

The laptop market has ushered in a traditional peak season during the opening season. What is the sales situation this year?The reporter saw at the Huaqiang North Electronics Mall in Shenzhen that consumers were standing around the laptop booth to make purchases...

Chinese wisdom helps South Africa overcome its power shortage dilemma

Chinese wisdom helps South Africa overcome its power shortage dilemma

Science and Technology Daily, Pretoria, June 13 (Reporter Feng Zhiwen) With the support of the Chinese Embassy in South Africa, the China Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Mechanical and Electrical Products, the South Africa China Economic and Trade Association and the South African Investment Agency jointly hosted the China South Africa New Energy Investment Cooperation Conference at Johannesburg Thornton International Convention Center. Chinese Ambassador to South Africa Chen Xiaodong, South African Minister of State owned Enterprises Gordan, and President's Office Minister of Electricity Ramohopa attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches...