The popular 'BB machine' in the 1990s used to sell for 2000 yuan, but does it still have a signal now?

The popular 'BB machine' in the 1990s used to sell for 2000 yuan, but does it still have a signal now?

writing|Guatian Plumedit|History of Mu LanguageThe BB machine can be described as a "fashionable item" of the 1990s.In the popular old Hong Kong drama "Heaven and Earth Man", there have been multiple appearances of BB machines...

Capturing weak seismic wave signals as

Capturing weak seismic wave signals as "sea veins" to accurately signal the seabed

Recently, the "Offshore Oil 771" geophysical exploration vessel was equipped with the first set of underwater seismic exploration node acquisition system equipment independently developed by China - "Haimai" - and successfully completed the operation of the Bozhong 8-3 work area in the Bohai Sea. The core equipment of the "Sea Vein" system - node acquisition equipment, can capture seismic wave signals equivalent to 1/150 of the size of mosquito flight sound, with better performance, which also enables the "Sea Vein" to more accurately signal the seabed strata...

Optical band signals can be used as probes for detecting hot Jupiter atmospheric escape

Optical band signals can be used as probes for detecting hot Jupiter atmospheric escape

Latest Discovery and InnovationKunming, Science and Technology Daily, February 18 (reporter Zhao Hanbin, correspondent Chen Yan) The reporter learned from the Yunnan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the 18th that the observatory, in cooperation with researchers at the University of Arizona in the United States, found that signals in the optical band can be used as probes to detect the atmospheric escape of hot Jupiter. The internationally renowned journal "Astrophysical Journal Express" published this achievement...

Xiang Ligang questioned Apple: You have fabricated 5G and the three major operators have not provided 5G signals at all!

Xiang Ligang questioned Apple: You have fabricated 5G and the three major operators have not provided 5G signals at all!

Xiang Ligang questioned Apple: You have fabricated 5G and the three major operators have not provided 5G signals at all!In recent times, the global mobile phone industry has been known as the "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Each Showing Their Wonders". Huawei's "King Returns" has brought self-developed chips and 5G phones, followed by Xiaomi's release of high-end phones, which will soon followThe launch of iPhone 15,This has made consumers around the world more eager for iPhone15 phones, to the extent that before the release of Apple's new phones, the quiet appearance of Huawei 5G phones caused Apple to plummet more than $140 billion in the US stock market...

China Telecom responded that there is no signal in the Guangdong region: business abnormality, urgent processing in progress

China Telecom responded that there is no signal in the Guangdong region: business abnormality, urgent processing in progress

On the afternoon of June 8th, many Guangdong Telecom users reported that their mobile phones had no signal and could not make calls to each other. In response to this, @ China Telecom Guangdong Customer Service stated in the Weibo comment section that due to business abnormalities, you are unable to receive voice and text messages...

Study on a New System for Chemiluminescence Signal Amplification Assisted by Microchip Electrophoresis Separation

Study on a New System for Chemiluminescence Signal Amplification Assisted by Microchip Electrophoresis Separation

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on "Follow" to facilitate your access to a series of high-quality articles at any time, as well as facilitate discussion and sharing. Thank you for your support~1...

What signals does the internet layoff wave send?

What signals does the internet layoff wave send?

Everyone knows about Alibaba's layoffs.A friend in the background asked me what to do after being laid off, but I can't say...

What signal is the permanent closure of over 60000 self media accounts by internet giants?

What signal is the permanent closure of over 60000 self media accounts by internet giants?

Recently, a major decision shocked the entire internet industry. According to reliable information, a well-known internet company has permanently closed over 60000 self media accounts...